The Ultimate Forex Trading System-Unbeatable Strategy to Place 92% Winning Trades
by Mostafa Afshari
Prominent in Barack Obama's political campaigns and presidency has been a promise to use social media tools to engage American citizens in the business of democratic governance, stirring the hopes of millions who believe in the democratizing potential of information and communication technology. Yet what has become of these promises? To what extent have they been realized? Shattering views of social media as a cure-all for limits on citizen deliberation and governmental representation, The Socia...
With the odds stacked against them from the start, retail traders need to track an unconventional path if they're going to succeed in the market. In Unconventional Forex Trading, Marc Principato explains the underlying structure of the market; the intentions and behaviors of key market participants; and why many retail traders largely function as revenue-generators for brokers taking the other side of their trades. By presenting a thorough and brutally honest description of the market, Principat...
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Trading for Beginners
by Anthony Williams Ph D
Beginners Guidebook to Supply and Demand End of Day Trading
by Josef Lefric
Systematic and Automated Option Trading (Collection)
by Sergey Ph D Izraylevich
A brand new collection of state-of-the-art option trading techniques, from world-renowned experts Sergey Izraylevich and Vadim Tsudikman in a convenient e-format, at a great price! Leading-edge option trading techniques for serious investors, traders, and portfolio managers Writing for serious investors, traders, hedge fund managers, and quants, pioneering option experts Sergey Izraylevich and Vadim Tsudikman introduce important new techniques for maximizing option profits, co...
Options Trading For Beginners (Trading, Options Trading, Stocks, #1)
by M J Murdock
Stock Trading
by Brandon Dave Graham Benjamin Turner, The Book on Rental Property & Real, and Estate Investing Academy Ramsey