The Organisation of Employment (Management, Work & Organisations)
by Jill Rubery, Senior Lecturer in Employment Studies Manchester Business School Damian Grimshaw, and Arjan Keizer
The Organisation of Employmentexplores the diversity in the organisation of employment among advanced industrial societies. It focuses on the implications of distinctive employment systems for international competitiveness, organisational performance and social divisions and considers the impact of globalisation on the sustainability of such diversity. Ideal for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students of international business and human resource management, The Organisation of Employ...
Internationally bestselling author Dan Ariely brings his unique perspective to bear on a maelstrom of life's problems - from how to deal with a Christmas card list that's fast becoming unmanageable to whether or not you should have children. Ariely changed the way we view ourselves, how we think and how we act, with his book Predictably Irrational. In his immensely popular Wall Street Journal advice column, where readers "Ask Ariely" for his help with various dilemmas, he provides a logical vie...
The Virtual Organization and Information Technology (Prentice Hall business technology)
by Jon Harrington
Providing an overview of organizational theory, this book presents a detailed practical explanation of the impact of information technology on organizations. The text aims to show the true characteristics of the relationship between a company/corporation and its computer technology, and amalgamates a sociological theoretic study of firms with a practical managerial approach to understanding information technology.
Everybody's Business (Financial Times (DK))
by Adrian Hodges and David Grayson
Issues which until now have been 'soft' for business such as environment diversity and human rights - are now hard; hard to ignore hard to manage and very hard to control if they go wrong. This practical handbook and resource empowers managers to meet changing expectations from customers employees communities and investors.
Organizational Behaviour
Privacy Protection Measures and Technologies in Business Organizations
Moving beyond the process of change Why is change so hard? Because in order to make any transformation successful, you must change more than just the structure and operations of an organization--you need to change people's behavior. And that is never easy. The Heart of Change is your guide to helping people think and feel differently in order to meet your shared goals. According to bestselling author and renowned leadership expert John Kotter and coauthor Dan Cohen, this focus on connecting wi...
Analyzing Telework, Trustworthiness, and Performance Using Leader-Member Exchange
by Michael A. Brown Sr.
While the concept of teleworking has existed for many years, the COVID-19 pandemic drastically altered the operations of businesses and industries around the world. Through these shifts, there have been many challenges of adapting employees, business operations, productivity levels, technology, and more to meet this increased demand in teleworking. Through these challenges, not only were businesses forced to adapt, but a new wave of telework and its approach have been fostered. Analyzing Telew...
Zirkulares Grundeinkommen und Nullzinspolitik (Essentials)
by Eduard Lukschandl
Die Einfuhrung eines Zirkularen Grundeinkommens wird die beiden Hauptziele eines Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens erreichen: Allen Menschen wird die Moeglichkeit gegeben, in Wurde leben zu koennen, und die AErmsten und Armutsgefahrdeten koennen ein ertragliches Leben fuhren. Das Zirkulare Grundeinkommen stellt zugleich die Loesung fur das Problem der EZB dar, mit einer zeitlich befristeten Geldmengenerhoehung das Inflationsziel von zwei Prozent zu erreichen, um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln. Eduard...