Financial Crime Risks Challenges Management & Compliance
by Kunda Emmanuel Kalaba
Pesquisa de preços para licitações públicas
by Abimael Torcate de Souza
Globalization and Education
This book presents the results of a joint meeting organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences where renowned international scholars discussed the importance of education in an increasingly globalized world. The papers cover a wide range of topics, including immigration, education in developing countries, knowledge transfer, social, economic, cultural, and political conditions in global education, technology, communication, access to information a...
Economic Development in Texas
by Attorney General of Texas Greg Abbott
Politisches System Und Politische Innovation (Beitraege Zur Gesellschaftsforschung. Contributions To Socia, #9)
by Rudiger Mottl and Reudiger Mottl
Ziel der vorliegenden Abhandlung ist es, einen Erklarungsansatz dafur zu finden, dass von Regierungen initiierte Neuerungen im System moderner Demokratien haufig scheitern. In der politikwissenschaftlichen Literatur findet man dazu vor allem normative oder doktrinare Erklarungen. Die analytische Vorgehensweise fusst auf einem interdisziplinaren Ansatz, der politikwissenschaftliche, soziologische und politik-okonomische Kategorien vereinigt. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird zunachst das politische Sys...
Under New Ownership
by Shahid Yusuf, Dwight H. Perkins, and Kaoru Nabeshima
Although the relative size of the public sector has been much reduced worldwide since the early 1980s, it remains the dominant borrower from the banking system and responsible for the majority of the non-performing assets of banks. Drawing upon new firm-level survey data, this volume assesses how changes in the ownership structure of SOEs affect management, governance, innovation, and performance, comparing these SOEs to other types of firms in China. It also considers China's reform efforts a...
Women and Entrepreneurship in India (Women and Sustainable Business)
The Indian Constitution is the largest written constitution that guarantees equality to women and empowers the State to take affirmative actions in favour of women. India has adopted International conventions for protection of rights of women and granting them equality and ratified the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in the year 1993. The National Policy for Women Empowerment was presented in 2001, the goal of that policy to bring about the advancem...
Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, Second Edition - Volume II
Ist TTIP Fluch oder Segen? Kritische Analyse der Transatlantischen Handels- und Investitionspartnerschaft
by Anonym
Case Studies of U.S. Economic Sanctions
by Hossein G Askari, John Forrer, Hildy Teegen, and Jiawen Yang
This is the second of three related, empirically based studies examining the broad range of issues raised by the use of economic sanctions. This volume provides a detailed examination of the impact of U.S. economic sanctions on China, Cuba, and Iran as well as the impact on the United States itself. Ashari, Forrer, Teegen, and Yang analyze whether or not these case studies in economic sanctions had been successful by measuring their historical impact and modeling their effectiveness. This boo...
Globalization transcends borders and cultures as it develops both from the natural flow of information and communication technologies and as a directed and driven quest for global hegemony by self-serving corporations and world political heavyweights. It bears a multifaceted web of influence that manifests in inequalities in growth, prosperity, and
Zwang als Grundubel in der Gesellschaft? (Untersuchungen zur Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik, #52)
by Philipp Batthyany
Grundbegriff des klassischen Liberalismus ist der Begriff der negativen Freiheit: Freiheit als Abwesenheit von Zwang. Doch was ist Zwang? Warum ist Zwang in der freiheitlichen Sicht ein UEbel? Der liberale Nationaloekonom und Sozialphilosoph Friedrich August von Hayek entwickelt in seiner Verfassung der Freiheit eine Bestimmung des Begriffspaars Freiheit und Zwang, die jedoch unvollstandig bleibt und einige grundsatzliche Fragen an seine Moralphilosophie und Theorie der kulturellen Evolution auf...
Diagnosing Corruption in Ethiopia (Directions in Development. Public Sector Governance)
For decades, corruption in Ethiopia has only been discussed at the margins. Perhaps because many have not experienced corruption as a significant constraint to their lives and businesses, or perhaps because a culture of circumspection has dampened open dialogue, Ethiopia has neither seen the information flows nor the debate on corruption that most other countries have seen in recent years. This study attempts to fill this information gap. Conducted by the World Bank (with financial support from...
Our government debt is rising every day. Our population is shifting as more people retire and fewer are able to find work. Our social programs, including the Affordable Care Act, are only adding to our financial burden, and rising taxes are hindering economic growth. We are a nation in the red. A powerful wake-up call to leaders, investors, and citizens, this brilliantly researched book reveals the surprising truth about our national debt--and what we can do about it. You'll learn: How reckl...
Varieties of State Regulation (Harvard East Asian Monographs)
by Yukyung Yeo
In Varieties of State Regulation, Yukyung Yeo explores how, despite China’s increasing integration into the global market, the Chinese central party-state continues to oversee the most strategic sectors of its economy. Since the 1990s, as major state firms were spun off from the ministries that managed them under the central planning system, the nature of the state in governing the economy has been remarkably transformed into that of a regulator.Based on over 100 interviews conducted with Chines...
Zu den britischen Planungen fur ein Nachkriegsdeutschland gehorte der Aufbau demokratischer Selbstverwaltungen. In ihrer Besatzungszone begannen die Briten damit zunachst auf kommunaler Ebene, wo sie 1945/46 unter ihrer Aufsicht stehende Selbstverwaltungsgremien einsetzten. Die vorliegende Untersuchung behandelt den Verlauf dieses demokratischen Neubeginns in den Jahren 1947 bis 1950 anhand der Arbeit und Entwicklung der Ratsversammlung der Stadt Neumunster. Dabei wird dieser Prozess mit den ent...
National accounts statistics 2012
The publication contains detailed official national accounts data for over 200 countries or areas of the World for the years 2001 to 2012. It is a valuable source of information on the state and structure of economies worldwide. The data for each country or area are presented in separate chapters with uniform table headings and classifications as recommended in the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA). Each country chapter also contains a write-up on the methodology and data sources which...
The Invisible Soldiers: How America Outsourced Oursourced Our Security
by Ann Hagedorn
The urgent truth about the privatization of America's national security that exposes where this industry came from, how it operates, where it's heading--and why we should be concerned. Thirty years ago there were no private military and security companies (PMSCs); there were only mercenaries. Now the PMSCs are a bona-fide industry, an indispensable part of American foreign and military policy. PMSCs assist US forces in combat operations and replace them after the military withdraws from combat z...
Evaluating the "Past Performance" of Federal Contractors (Crs Reports)
by Congressional Research Service