Supply Chain Logistics Program for Warehouse Management
by David E Mulcahy and Joachim Sydow
A well-planned, well-structured warehouse management system (WMS) offers significant advantages to an organization, particularly in its ability to make warehouse operations more efficient, more cost effective, and more responsive. A Supply Chain Logistics Program for Warehouse Management details the concepts, applications, and practices n
Unternehmenskrisen bei kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) des deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus lassen sich zu etwa einem Funftel direkt auf eine mangelnde innerbetriebliche Kapazitatsauslastung und damit auf UEberkapazitaten zuruckfuhren. Vor diesem Hintergrund greift der Autor drei betriebswirtschaftliche Themenbereiche auf, die sowohl in der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen als auch der praktischen Diskussion stehen: Mass Customization, unternehmensubergreifende Produktionsplanung und -st...
The Better World Shopping Guide: 6th Edition (Better World Shopping Guide: Every Dollar Can Make a Difference, #6)
by Ellis Jones
Small enough to fit in your pocket, this practical little book will help you change the world as you shop! While we strive to make our vote count every four years, few of us realize that our most immediate power to shape the world is squandered on a daily basis. Every dollar we spend has the potential to create social and environmental change. In fact, it already has. The world that exists today is in large part a result of our purchasing decisions. The Better World Shopping Guide rates hund...
The phenomenon of globalization has increased in recent decades due to the opening of borders in Eastern Europe and the sudden emergence of other countries in the global trade economy. Yet, the process of becoming global to get access to growing markets or to achieve quality, service, and/or cost advantages from the reconfigured Value Chains is one of the most complex processes that companies undertake. Global Production Networks: Operations Design and Management addresses the challenges that co...
As markets become more dynamic and competitive, companies must reconsider how they view inventory and make changes to their production and inventory systems. They must begin to think outside the classical box and develop a new paradigm of inventory management. Exploring the trend away from classical models based on economic order quantities to dependent demand systems, Inventory Management: Non-Classical Views comes as a just-in-time resource.Explore the new role of inventories in business enter...
Organizations rely on suppliers and partners to provide and deliver non-core activities to a premium standard and at optimum cost. As such outsourcing and the ability to manage complex third party relationships has never been more important. Those responsible for organizational spend have to manage these multiple relationships successfully, keeping pace with their increased responsibilities and demonstrating this to the board. Professionalism in Purchasing provides practical advice for any indiv...
Dieses Buch wendet sich gleichermassen an Studierende und Praktiker der Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaft, der Wirtschaftsinformatik sowie an Wirtschaftsingenieure in allen Studienformen. Die Inhalte orientieren sich an der Nutzung mathematischer Sachverhalte und Methoden in den modernen Wirtschaftswissenschaften. In den Beispielen wird bewusst die breite Palette der praktischen Anwendungsfalle bedient. Die zahlreichen Bilder erleichtern den Zugang zu den mathematischen Modellen in der Wirtschaft. D...
Creating Competitive Demand Chains (Chandos Business Guides: Purchasing & Procurement, #8)
by James R. Langabeer and J. Rose
Life in Black and White: Family and Community in the Slave South
by E Stevenson Brenda
I'm a Purchasing Agent to Save Time Let's Assume That I'm Never Wrong
by Journals Factory
The design of facilities, warehouses, and material-handling systems as well as the management of logistics operations significantly impact the success of industrial projects. Facility Logistics: Approaches and Solutions to Next Generation Challenges explores recent developments in the technology, industrial practices, and business environments of f
Integrating Supply Chain with Business Strategy
Integrating Supply Chain with Business Strategy is a book of 50 cases, edited by Professor Alan Waller, which look at the implementation of supply chain management into different businesses and the ensuing successes and failures. Supply chain should be a key source of competitive advantage and a supporter of business strategy. It is not just a function - it is now a value-add process in the boardroom. The 50 case studies in Integrating Supply Chain with Business Strategy are written by leading...
Sustainable Production and Logistics
Sustainable Production and Logistics: Modeling and Analysis Subject Guide: Engineering - Industrial & Manufacturing This book presents issues faced by planners of production and distribution operations in terms of smart manufacturing and sustainability, using efficient quantitative techniques in a variety of decision-making situations. Addressing the state-of-the-art of the smart and sustainable sides of production and distribution planning operations, it highlights how a current issue can b...
Supply chain management
by J.A. Badenhorst-Weiss, E.H.B. van Biljon, and I.M. Ambe
With the development of the integrative supply chain management approach, traditional thinking about concepts such as purchasing, materials management, distribution and logistics management has become outdated. Speculation on the reasons for dynamic growth of supply chain management in South African businesses ranges from the opening up of the domestic economy to the pressure of global competitors. The astonishing success of progressive organisations such as SA Breweries, Sasol, Iscor, Steinh...
Academic Planner July 2019 - June 2020 (Personalized Planner & Academic Year Planner, #3) (Academic Year Planner, #2)
by Michelia Creations
Operations Management (Electronic Resource)
by Prof. Nigel Slack, etc., Stuart Chambers, Christine Harland, Alan Harrison, and Robert Johnston
This text focuses on the major themes currently shaping the field of operations management: (1) international operations, (2) service operations, (3) quality and continuous improvement, (4) strategy, (5) use of computers and other technologies in OM, and (6) environmental issues.
Cutting the Red Tape - The Definitive Guide to Federal, State and Local Government Contracting
by Dr Kevin Houston
MyOMLab Access Card for Pack