Managing the City
Taking a problem based approach to regeneration management, this exciting new book, authored by renowned academics and practitioners, examines how issues of ethics, equality, sustainability, local governance, civic renewal and learning are addressed within the areas of social and economic development and transformation. The issues covered here have significant implications for the ways in which regeneration initiatives are put together (in their design, development and delivery), as well as fo...
From her own experience in various agencies and organizations, Dr. Rusaw knows that to inspire change in any organization and particularly in the public sector, change agents must understand that change is primarily collective, nonrational, and nonlinear. People who seek to create change cannot stand apart from the problems, issues, and concerns raised by their constituents, but must merge themselves into the data-making, analysis, and diagnosis phases of consulting. The agent must, in other wor...
Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations
by Barry Michael Dym and Harry Hutson
Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations is about exemplary leadership as found in both corporate and nonprofit organizations. Taking a fresh approach to the study of leadership, the authors perform research in nonprofits both to understand and appreciate their complexities and to reach conclusions about the nature of leadership in any context, including for-profit and governmental entities. Features and Benefits: Case studies of nonprofit leadership that affirm public-minded, mission-driven leader...
Stories, Visions and Values in Voluntary Organisations (Corporate Social Responsibility)
by Christina Schwabenland
Christina Schwabenland's book is based on extensive research into stories told by people working in voluntary organizations in the UK and in India. With a view to social change, the author employs hermeneutic methods to explore how stories create and sustain meaning and how storytelling contributes to the making and remaking of our social world. Specific topics addressed in the book include the role of storytelling in starting a new organization, managing hope and despair, empowering participato...
Redesigning the Work of Human Services explores alternative organizational designs for the delivery of human services—designs that emphasize collaborative governance and partnerships among public and private agencies, local control and responsibility for results, and the use of innovative information, planning, and community capacity-building technologies. This book redefines the debate about whether human services should be privatized or not. The author suggests that the basic task of human ser...
A non-technical guide to The Raiser's Edge-the most widely-used fundraising database package on the market-for the fundraising professional The first-ever guide to The Raiser's Edge database package for the fundraising professional, Fundraising with The Raiser's Edge: A Non-Technical Guide educates your nonprofit about what The Raiser's Edge can do for you and will help you more effectively work with the staff who are responsible for data entry and output. * Helps your organization get much grea...
This book is written to assist those planning a fund-raising event, especially for those new to fund-raising, to share hints and ideas to help lead them around some of the pitfalls. Although tackling a fundraising event seems a daunting task to many, Molly Russell’s light hearted approach shows that with careful planning, a little hard work and a good sense of humour - fundraising can be fun! This book contains a wealth of useful information in an easy-to-read format. .
Social Marketing and Advertising in the Age of Social Media (New Horizons in Marketing)
Reviewing and analysing the most relevant concepts, theories and strategies related to the field, this timely book reveals what makes for strong social marketing and social advertising campaigns. With a comprehensive understanding of social advertising models and their applications, chapters present original case studies and scenarios from international researchers to illustrate strategies and concepts in practice. Exploring the mechanics of social media, contributors highlight what makes a su...
Charitable Gifts And Donations Tracker Journal Color Interior Pastel Rose Gold Pink Floral Yellow White Pearl Colorful
by Toqeph
Sustainability in Tourism
Sustainability and green topics have become a crucial element in modern economy. All sectors of the economy are concerned, also the tourism industry. This book takes an overview on developments of sustainability in tourism from a multidisciplinary view point: economy, marketing, social science, media studies, political studies. In order to under-stand the long term changes in the field it is important to include different scientific approaches.
Erfolg von Wirtschaftsverbänden (Marktorientiertes Nonprofit-Management)
by Alexander Graf
Die Qualität sozialer Einrichtungen und Dienste wird durch ihre Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter geprägt; das Personal ist der Erfolgsfaktor im Sozialmanagement. Auf Einladung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialmanagement/Sozialwirtschaft präsentierten und diskutierten Wissenschaftler und Praktiker aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz die neuesten Entwicklungen. Schwerpunkte lagen dabei in den Feldern Qualifikation, Personalauswahl und -entwicklung, Personalführung und Betroffenenbeteili...
Andrea Hausmann behandelt kompakt, fundiert und praxisnah die im Kulturtourismus wichtigsten Begriffe, Merkmale, Akteure und Entwicklungen. Dabei beleuchtet sie zum einen die wichtigsten Leistungsträger auf der Angebotsseite und arbeitet ihre jeweiligen Besonderheiten bzw. spezifischen Interessen heraus. Zum anderen stellt die Autorin mögliche Typologien der kulturtouristischen Nachfrage vor und erläutert die Bedeutung der Customer Journey als Instrument zur Verbesserung des Qualitätserlebnisses...
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2015
by Daniel Goleman, W. Chan Kim, Renee a Mauborgne, and Clayton M. Christensen
A year’s worth of management wisdom, all in one place. We’ve combed through ideas, insights, and best practices from the past year of Harvard Business Review to help you get up to speed fast on the freshest, most relevant thinking driving business today. With authors from Clayton Christensen to Roger Martin and company examples from Netflix to Unilever, this volume brings the most current and important management conversations to your fingertips. This book will inspire you to: Lead by focusin...
Die zunehmende Verbreitung und steigende Abhängigkeit von Informationstechnologien und darauf aufsetzender Dienste führen zu bisher unberücksichtigten ökologischen und sozialen Herausforderungen. Das IT-Management sieht sich aufgrund dieser Entwicklung mit neuen Anforderungen seitens der Geschäftsbereiche, der Kunden und der Mitarbeiter konfrontiert. Wachsender Energieverbrauch beim Betrieb und der Nutzung von IT-Infrastrukturen bei kontinuierlich steigenden Rechenleistungen sowie die immer kürz...
Dieses Herausgeberwerk präsentiert erfolgreiche Zertifizierungssysteme und deren Praxisanwendung. Es vermittelt Grundlagen für die Zertifizierungen von Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Managementsystemen in den Handlungsfeldern Nachhaltigkeit, Ökologie, Klimaschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit. Es wird dargelegt, wie Zertifizierungen für die Umsetzung wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Ziele, die Erhaltung der Umwelt und die Erhöhung des Verbrauchervertrauens genutzt werden können und welche...
Social Franchising (Komplexitat, Entrepreneurship Und OEkonomische Bildung)
by Cornelius Lahme
Cornelius Lahme stellt in diesem Buch das Social Franchising als quantitative Skalierungsmethode zur systematischen Verbreitung gesellschaftlich relevanter Tätigkeiten vor. Dabei unternimmt er eine umfangreiche Einordung, Abgrenzung und Definition dieses in Wissenschaft und Praxis zunehmend populär werdenden Verfahrens. Auf Basis der in diesem Zusammenhang erzielten Erkenntnisse führt der Autor unter Berücksichtigung der Stewardship- sowie der Prinzipal-Agenten-Theorie im Anschluss eine Analyse...
Personalmanagement aus Perspektive der Dienstleistungsforschung (Zukunftsfahige Unternehmensfuhrung in Forschung Und Praxis)
by Stefan Doring
Die Antwort auf den zunehmenden Bedeutungsverlust des Personalmanagements ist dessen Professionalisierung. Stefan Döring schlägt dafür eine Brücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis, in dem ein Bezugsrahmen für erfolgreiches Dienstleistungsmanagement entwickelt und auf die Praxis der Personalgewinnung in Organisationen übertragen wird. Der Autor zeigt, wie erfolgreiches Management von Personalarbeit als Dienstleistung funktioniert und stellt wissenschaftlich fundierte Methoden und Instrumente für profe...
Rage Giving (Elements in Public and Nonprofit Administration)
by Jennifer A. Taylor and Katrina Miller-Stevens
After the 2016 election upheaval and polarized public discourse in the United States and the rise of radical-right and populist parties across the globe, a new phenomenon in online charitable giving has emerged – donating motivated by rage. This Element defines this phenomenon, discusses its meaning amidst the current body of research and knowledge on emotions and charitable giving, the implications of viral fundraising and increased social media use by both donors and nonprofit organizations, t...
We all want to make a difference and "Town & Country" shows that philanthropy is not just for the wealthy. This inspirational book explains how to donate money and time for optimum impact, no matter what your level of income. It features the personal stories of a range of contributors, from celebrities like Gary Sinise who is cofounder of an organisation to donate school supplies to Iraqi children and Osceola McCarty, a laundress who, at 85, donated $150,000 - the bulk of her life savings - to a...
Appropriate for accounting, nonprofit, public policy, social research, cooperative studies, and public administration courses. Social accounting focuses on the effects of an organization on its communities of interest. Quarter/Mook/Richmond look at how nonprofits and cooperatives create value and how they can measure their social performance.