Making the Property Tax Work - Experiences in Developing and Transitional Countries
Malaysia@50: Economic Development, Distribution, Disparities
by Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Chong Hui Wee
Malaysia has grown and changed a great deal since it was formed on 16 September 1963. It was then seen as an unlikely nation hastily put together as a federation of British controlled territories in the region. Brunei's refusal to join at the eleventh hour and Singapore's secession before its second birthday only seemed to confirm such doubts.Yet, it has not only survived, but even thrived, often cited as a developing country worthy of emulation. Ruled by the same ruling coalition since the mid-...
This unique work provides the ideal textbook for students of international taxation and an invaluable overall view for tax practitioners. With the aid of worked examples and case studies, the authors clearly explain the generic principles that apply in an international context, using the UK as an example. The topics covered include double taxation, the use of tax havens, the role of international bodies (such as the OECD, the UN and the EU), transfer pricing, interpretation of double tax treatie...
Achieving a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base in the EU
by Malcolm Gammie QC, Silvia Giannini, Alexander Klemm, Andreas Oestreicher, Paola Parascandolo, and Christoph Spengel
Continuing its authoritative work on EU tax policy and corporate tax convergence, CEPS assembled an expert task force in early 2004 to examine the relationship between accounting and tax measures of profit in anticipation of the 2005 adoption of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) for listed European companies. The group explored the extent to which the objectives of IFRS were compatible with basic tax principles and could form the starting point for achieving a common consolidate...
Successive governments have promised to reduce business red tape, whilst doing nothing about it. In fact, with regard to the tax system, ever-greater numbers of taxes and ever-greater complexity have increased burdens on business. This trend has been exacerbated by the tendency of governments to offload their costs on to businesses by turning firms into unpaid tax collectors. Research into the costs of regulation is notoriously difficult. However, this study brings together the best work on the...
Aberdeen Shore Work Accounts, 1596-1670
Tax Tables 2015/16 Post-Election edition provides accurate tables of all the new and revised tax rates and allowances from the July 2015 budget. Delivered to your desk within 24 hours of the chancellor's Budget speech, it enables you to start using the updated facts and figures straight away. Tax Tables provides a succinct commentary on the key provisions and clearly laid out tables of new rates and allowances.
Es ist unmoeglich eine Steuerberaterin zu beschreiben
by Sonnige Bucher
Assessing the Playing Field (Economic Papers, #77) (Economic Paper)
by Camille Stoll-Davey
Reveals how a vast network of unregulated financial centres, from Luxembourg to the Cayman islands to the Pacific haven of Nauru, has evolved into an enormous nether realm of drug and arms trading ungoverned by law. Delving into the scandals and financial structure of this hidden side of globalisation, sociologist Deneault depicts something larger and more ominous than simple tax havens where financial elites and corporations must reside to protect their earnings. Offshore describes a global bas...
Rethinking Investment Incentives
Governments often use direct subsidies or tax credits to encourage investment and promote economic growth and other development objectives. Properly designed and implemented, these incentives can advance a wide range of policy objectives (increasing employment, promoting sustainability, and reducing inequality). Yet since design and implementation are complicated, incentives have been associated with rent-seeking and wasteful public spending. This collection illustrates the different types and...
Introduction to European Tax Law: Direct Taxation
The Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation (Routledge Revivals)
by James E. Meade
First published in 1978, The Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation presents the full findings and recommendations of the `Meade’ committee set up by The Institute for Fiscal Studies. It represents the most important contemporary examination of the structure of UK taxation and direct taxation systems in general. The results of two years’ intensive research and discussion by this independent committee are presented as a report under the joint authorship of an outstanding team of tax experts. The...
An essential collection at the intersection of globalization, production supply chains, corporate finance regulation, and economic measurement. The substantial increase in the complexity of global supply chains and other production arrangements over the past three decades has challenged some traditional measures of national income account aggregates and raised the potential for distortions in conventional calculations of GDP and productivity. This volume examines a variety of multinational bus...
Corporate Taxes
Large international corporations and accountants representing international interests require the most up-to-date information regarding tax issues in countries around the world. This volume delivers information on corporate tax issues, rules, rates and regulations on the tax systems of over 120 countries. It is a comprehensive resource, with insights on tax planning, foreign investment, tax reform and much more.