ECMI has a brand name in Industrial Mathematics and organises successful biannual conferences. This time, the conference on Industrial Mathematics held in Eindhoven in June 2004 Mathematics focused on Aerospace, Electronic Industry, Chemical Technology, Life Sciences, Materials, Geophysics, Financial Mathematics and Water flow. The majority of the invited talks on these topics can be found in these proceedings. Apart from these lectures, a large number of contributed papers and minisymposium pap...
Einfuhrung in Statistische Analysen
by Nanny Wermuth and Reinhold Streit
Das Buch fuhrt schrittweise in die faszinierende Welt statistischer Analysen ein. Es erfordert weder Vorwissen in Statistik noch in einem bestimmten Fachgebiet, nur einige Grundkenntnisse in Mathematik und Neugier auf Daten, die vor allem beobachtete Merkmale von Personen sind. Das Buch enthalt viele Beispiele fur Fragen, die mit Hilfe von Daten beantwortet werden koennen und einfache Zahlenbeispiele fur verschiedene Arten von Analysen. Es ist daher geeignet fur Erstsemester und fur alle, die da...
Statistics for Management and Economics (Book Only) (Available Titles Cengagenow)
by Gerald Keller
Economic and Financial Modelling with EViews (Statistics and Econometrics for Finance)
by Abdulkader Aljandali and Motasam Tatahi
This practical guide in Eviews is aimed at practitioners and students in business, economics, econometrics, and finance. It uses a step-by-step approach to equip readers with a toolkit that enables them to make the most of this widely used econometric analysis software. Statistical and econometrics concepts are explained visually with examples, problems, and solutions. Developed by economists, the Eviews statistical software package is used most commonly for time-series oriented econometric...
Regressionsanalyse Mit SPSS (de Gruyter Studium)
by Christian Fg Schendera
Proceedings from the 14th European Conference for Mathematics in Industry held in Madrid present innovative numerical and mathematical techniques. Topics include the latest applications in aerospace, information and communications, materials, energy and environment, imaging, biology and biotechnology, life sciences, and finance. In addition, the conference also delved into education in industrial mathematics and web learning.
Essentials of Modern Business Statistics (Book Only)
by David R Anderson, Dennis J Sweeney, and Thomas A Williams
This book provides a rigorous introduction to the basic aspects of the theory of linear estimation and hypothesis testing, covering the necessary prerequisites in matrices, multivariate normal distribution and distributions of quadratic forms along the way. It will appeal to advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students, research mathematicians and statisticians.
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #1299)
These proceedings of the fifth joint meeting of Japanese and Soviet probabilists are a sequel to Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vols. 33O, 550 and 1O21. They comprise 61 original research papers on topics including limit theorems, stochastic analysis, control theory, statistics, probabilistic methods in number theory and mathematical physics.
Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Lean Six Sigma
by Theodore T. Allen
This book provides an accessible one-volume introduction to Lean Six Sigma and statistics in engineering for students and industry practitioners. Lean production has long been regarded as critical to business success in many industries. Over the last ten years, instruction in Six Sigma has been linked more and more with learning about the elements of lean production. Building on the success of the first and second editions, this book expands substantially on major topics of increasing relevanc...
This book provides methods and applications of latent class analysis, and the following topics are taken up in the focus of discussion: basic latent structure models in a framework of generalized linear models, exploratory latent class analysis, latent class analysis with ordered latent classes, a latent class model approach for analyzing learning structures, the latent Markov analysis for longitudinal data, and path analysis with latent class models. The maximum likelihood estimation procedures...
Basic Business Statistics, with SPSS PC+ Studentware+ 5.25
by Mark L Berenson and David M. Levine
Methoden Der Statistik (Studienbucher Wirtschaftsmathematik) (Studienb cher Wirtschaftsmathematik)
by Michael Krapp