New York Real Estate Wholesaling Residential Real Estate Investor & Commercial Real Estate Investing
SEI UN INVESTITORE IMMOBILIARE INESPERTO? Conosci il mercato residenziale e commerciale
by Lucas V
This book is designed as a companion for anyone who plans to maintain or restore their home with full regard to its period, style and surroundings. It is not a DIY manual, indeed the author stresses the importance of qualified advice and experience, but a step-by-step guide to the problems of choosing, buying and maintaining a period home, with emphasis on ways to spot trouble in advance, and not ruin a building by unsympathetic restoration. There are chapters on construction in earth, flint, st...
Ideia Para Uma Busca de Imóveis Inovadora: Simplificando as Transações Imobiliárias: Busca de Imóveis Inovadora
by Matthias Fiedler
Innovatív Ingatlankeresés Ötlete: Ingatlanügynökség Könnyedén: Ingatlankeresés
by Matthias Fiedler