International Marketing Cases thoroughly examines important topics of international marketing and how they relate to world-wide business: environment, tactical and strategic issues, planning and control. This unique approach goes beyond a purely developed world perspective with illustrations and examples relating to Third World countries as well.
Luxury and Fashion Marketing (Routledge Studies in Marketing)
by Satyendra Singh
The globalization of the world’s markets has forced luxury brands to, in turn, become global and accessible in many developing countries and emerging markets. As a result, the demand for these luxury products has increased globally, creating a need for an education in luxury that acknowledges the global perspective yet, at the same time, incorporates subtle regional nuances into luxury and fashion marketing. Keeping this global and regional perspective, Luxury and Fashion Marketing: The Global...
International Business
Business transactions and partnerships across borders have become easier than ever due to globalization and global digital connectivity. As part of this shift in the business sphere, managers, executives, and strategists across industries must acclimate themselves with the challenges and opportunities for conducting business globally. International Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications presents the latest research innovations focusing on cross-cultural communications and t...
Choosing the right mobile phone and service plan can be overwhelming, particularly if you travel abroad - this truly international guide is ideal for the mobile executive Experts estimate that by 2005 there will be over 1.26 billion wireless phone users around the world. (Source: Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association). It's overwhelming to think of the options available to the consumer when it comes to buying mobile phones, phone accessories, and service plans. So many people are conf...
Der Transformationsprozess im heutigen Neuen Sudafrika kann nicht losgeloest von der Kolonialgeschichte und der rassistischen Apartheidspolitik verstanden werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird der Prozess der Apartheid anhand von vier Fragestellungen untersucht: Welche Ursachen und Entwicklungen fuhrten zur Entstehung der Apartheid? Welche Massnahmen und Umstande konnten das Apartheidssystem aufrechterhalten? Welche Grunde und Prozesse loesten das Ende des Apartheidsregimes aus? Und wie hat sich d...
The information age is currently characterized by an acceleration in the production and consumption of information, which has a massive impact on social life. Thus, even in the social sciences, conventional approaches must be abandoned, and new ones developed. From an economic perspective, the contributors to this anthology deal with new trends in various areas of management philosophy. Particularly, the articles focus on human resources, marketing, finances and economics.
History of Marketing in India (Routledge Studies in the History of Marketing)
by Rohit Varman and Hari Sreekumar
The concepts and practices of marketing, as well as the ideologies that impel these, are rooted in specific social and cultural contexts, predominantly those of the USA, and Europe. Moreover, the Western dominance of marketing thought permeates it with Western values such as individualism and rationalism. This has led to important contexts outside these traditions such as India being overlooked. India has an enormously rich and varied culture and history, and this book addresses the need to un...
Should online purchases be taxed based on the buyer's location or the seller's? In Sell Globally, Tax Locally, Michael S. Greve offers a provocative new approach to Internet sales taxation. Drawing upon his extensive background in federalism issues, Greve argues that an origin-based tax system would break the "tax cartel" and replace it with competition--giving states a motive to lower their sales taxes as a means of enticing companies to choose their state as a base of operations. Cross-border...
This study seeks to identify the determinants of Brazil's favourable export performance until the mid-1980s, especially in the field of manufactured goods. Two hypotheses figure prominently in the analysis. The export success may be due to Brazil's specialization in industries which made intensive use of the country's relatively abundant productive factors. Alternatively, economic policies may be responsible for the success in manufactured exports.
International Marketing Data and Statistics
Mommy, Where Do Customers Come From? How to market to a new world of connected customers. A shoot-from-the-hip style marketing book combined with years of real world experience guiding businesses of all sizes. Looking for a marketing book that...Tells it like it is?...Can help you keep up in an ever changing world?...Is the right fit no matter your business type or size? Mommy, Where Do Customers Come From? covers all aspects of marketing and selling products and services to a new breed of cust...