2020-2024 Five Year Planner (5 Year Monthly Planner 2020-2024, #37)
by Kimberly Pretty Planner
Brand Strength (Forschungsgruppe Konsum und Verhalten)
by Martin Walser
Martin G. Walser breaks with the well established "advertising paradigm", which postulates that strong brands are above all the result of advertising. Instead, he focuses on "experiential information", i.e. the consumers' experience with the brand, as a main source of brand strength.
CIM Marketing Planning
Unternehmensgründung einer unabhängigen Vermögensverwaltung
by Harry Heinemann
Gewinnoptimale Preisbestimmung in Werbefinanzierten Markten
by Thomas Gieseking
Thomas Gieseking entwickelt eine neuartige Vorgehensweise zur Bestimmung gewinnoptimaler Preise in werbefinanzierten Markten, die er exemplarisch am Fall einer Finanzzeitschrift anwendet. Er ermittelt Preiselastizitaten und Netzwerkeffekte.
Sportsponsoring - Begriffe Und Definitionen, Entwicklung Eines Sportsponsoringkonzepts, Bedeutung, Probleme Und Losungsansatze
by Georg Ha and Georg Hass
This comprehensive book is a core text that covers all areas of marketing. It is written in a straightforward style, and is intended for diploma and degree level students who are studying the subject for the first time.It gives guidance on how to study for exam success and extend knowledge by setting personal objectives and collecting information to revise effectively. Advice on how to pass marketing examinations is given through typical questions, suggested solutions and comments from marketing...
Connect Access Card for Consumer Behavior
by David L Mothersbaugh, Delbert I Hawkins, and Roger J Best
Gen Combo Looseleaf International Marketing; Connect Access Card
by Philip R Cateora
Economic Advertising, 1912, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint)
by Unknown Author
Innovation Management in Global Networks
Innovations today are the products of tomorrow -- this has to be the maxim of top management in order to successfully introduce innovative products and services to the market. This book examines innovation management from a network perspective. Several renowned authors from practice and scientific world alike consider different aspects of innovation management in the context of global networks. This will include the illustration of its challenges and chances as well as the development of promisi...
Connect with Your Audience & Build a 5-Star Brand Reputation
by Allison McIntyre Cain
Innovatives Kundenbindungssystem im Dienstleistungssektor
by Karsten Boehm
Current Practices and Trends in Marketing Western Iceberg Lettuce in Relation to Other Produce (Classic Reprint)
by Roger E Rij
Marketing: An Introduction, 9/e The ninth edition of this text presents the very latest in marketing thinking. It builds upon an innovative and integrative marketing framework, one that positions marketing simply as the art and science of creating value for customers in order to capture value from customers in return. Student Study Guide, 7/e OneKey BlackBoard Student Access Kit for Armstrong, 8/e