In CEOs at Work, noted author Ed Yourdon interviews many of the world's most influential chief executive officers-many of whom have worked through adversity-offering a brand-new companion volume to his highly acclaimed CIOs at Work.
The Exchange - International Conflict Management Academic Package
by Steven Dinkin, Barbara Filner, and Lisa Maxwell
Entwicklungsperspektiven Des Controllings (Krp-Sonderhefte, #3)
by M
Dieses Buch ist der Friedensbewegung gewidmet. Damit meine ich aile jene Leute, MiUionen und AbermiUionen, in Ost und West, die wissen, daB sich ein Nuklearkrieg einfach nicht ereignen darf; die wissen, daB das Wettrusten nicht endlos weitergehen kann, ohne zu Krieg zu fiihren; die wissen, daB Ab- rustungskonferenzen das Wettriisten nicht beenden werden, und die dies deutlich sagen, die entsprechend handeln und verzweifelt nach einem Aus- weg suchen. Das Buch ist eine Anstrengung, solche Alterna...
Stakeholder Theory (SpringerBriefs in Ethics)
by Maria Bonnafous-Boucher and Jacob Dahl Rendtorff
This book provides an academic introduction to, and presentation and defence of stakeholder theory as a model for the strategic management of businesses and corporations, as well as of public organizations and institutions. The concept of the stakeholder is generally applied to parties that affect or are affected by the activities of private or public organizations. Distinct from shareholders, stakeholders are those individuals, entities or communities that have a connection with the activities...
Praxis der Anwendungsentwicklung (Zielorientiertes Software-Development)
by Carl Steinweg
Die zunehmende Komplexitiit von N-Anwendungssystemen und die Heterogenitiit der bereitgesteUten Zielumgebungen stellen heutzutage jedes Unternehmen vor vielfaltige Aufgaben. Die Entwicklung von An- wendungssoftware ist ein ProzeB, der unter anderem folgenden Einflu&- faktoren ausgesetzt ist: [] sich schnell andemde Geschafte, die innerhalb kilrzester Zeit N-tech- nisch unterstiitzt werden miissen. [] zunehmender Wettbewerbs-und Preisdruck, [] verandertes Angebot an Entwicklungsmethoden mit Verla...
Faith to Foster is a candid look into the life of ordinary foster parents TJ and Jenn Menn. It is a journey chronicling their decision making process, how the children arrived, the birth parents struggle to rehabilitate, help from friends and family, emotional goodbyes, and how faith in Jesus empowered them through it all. This is a story they wished they'd read before starting their foster parenting adventure. TJ and Jenn share their experiences and feelings in a way that encourages any reader...
Die Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Der Beiden Staaten in Deutschland
by Karl C Thalheim
Vorwort zur 3. Auflage Die im Jahre 1981 erschienene zweite Auflage dieser Schrift hat in der Offentlichkeit - ebenso wie die erste Auflage aus dem Jahre 1978 - eine sehr positive Aufnahme gefunden. Infolgedessen ist sie bereits seit lange rem vergriffen, und eine Neuauflage ware schon wesentlich frO her notwen dig gewesen, um der anhaltenden Nachfrage genOgen zu konnen. Wenn sie erst jetzt fertiggestellt werden konnte, so vor allem deshalb, weil der Jahrgang 1987 des Statistischen Jahrbuchs der...
Einzelkundenorientierung Im Business-To-Business-Bereich (Business-To-Business-Marketing)
by Beate Dahlke
This book is the first of its kind – a global overview of extant research on ethics in small and medium sized enterprises. While vast amounts of corporate money, government policy and media time are directed at the social and ethical activities of large corporations, small businesses don’t generally attract the spotlight. This is wildly inappropriate, however, since upward of 90% of private businesses are small or medium sized. This book goes some way to helping us understand the social and ethi...
Practical Studies in E-Government
Information and communication technology (ICT) is permeating all aspects of service management; in the public sector, ICT is improving the capacity of government agencies to provide a wide array of innovative services that benefit citizens. E-Government is emerging as a multidisciplinary field of research based initially on empirical insights from practice. Efforts to theoretically anchor the field have opened perspectives from multiple research domains, as demonstrated in Practical Studies in E...
This book discusses utilizing Big Data and Machine Learning approaches in investigating five aspects of firm level innovation in manufacturing; (1) factors that determine the decision to innovate (2) the extent of innovation (3) characteristics of an innovating firm (4) types of innovation undertaken and (5) the factors that drive and enable different types of innovation. A conceptual model and a cost-benefit framework were developed to explain a firm's decision to innovate. To empirically de...
How Knowledge Workers Get Things Done
by Nathaniel Palmer and Max J. Pucher
Innovation Management in Global Networks
Innovations today are the products of tomorrow -- this has to be the maxim of top management in order to successfully introduce innovative products and services to the market. This book examines innovation management from a network perspective. Several renowned authors from practice and scientific world alike consider different aspects of innovation management in the context of global networks. This will include the illustration of its challenges and chances as well as the development of promisi...