For the one-semester Principles of Macroeconomics courses at 4-year & 2-year colleges and universities. Still Keeping it Real and More Accessible Than Ever!Hubbard & O'Brien keeps it real in the third edition with updated examples, data, and end-of-chapter problems, providing the most up-to-date discussion on the recession/financial crisis and the monetary and fiscal policy response. Hubbard & O'Brien is the only book that motivates students to learn economics through real business examples.The...
Public Opinion and the Fight Against Poverty. Development Centre Studies.
Kapital ALS Wirtschaftliche Energie Und Geld ALS Ihr Massstab (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, #162)
by Ernst Eckelt
Gesetzmassigkeit Und Voraussehbarkeit Des Wirtschaftlichen Wachstums
by Walter Huppert
Optimale Wahrungsraume Und Wahrungsunionen (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, #300)
by Kyriakos Revelas
Strukturwandel Und Dynamische Effizienz in Unterschiedlichen Wirtschaftsordnungen (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, #350)
by Norbert Schraad
Aspekte Der Geldpolitik in Offenen Volkswirtschaften (Veroffentlichungen Des Instituts Fur Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, #25)
Die Gesundheitspolitischen Reformbestrebungen Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Machtstrukturen Und Finanzierungsinteressen
by Tanja Singh
Financial Inclusion for Poverty Alleviation
More than one billion people still live below the poverty line - most of them in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Financial inclusion is a major issue, as more than three-quarters of the numbers of poor and disadvantaged women and men do not have access to financial products and services, such as bank accounts, affordable and suitable loans, and insurance. The key objective of this book is to provide practical case studies of financial inclusion, rather than focus on academic debates such as...
Loose-Leaf Version for Macroeconomics 4e & Launchpad for Krugman's Macroeconomics 4e (Six Month Access) & Reef Polling Mobile Student 1.1
by Paul Krugman and Robin Wells
Industrie Der Steine Und Erden (Ifo Struktur Und Wachstum. Reihe Industrie, #33)
by Klaus Grefermann
Optimale Kapitalakkumulation (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, #239)
by Emil Strigens
Europe's demographic development and the impact on the workforce
by Daniel Detzer
Konjunkturschwankungen in Bayern (Schriftenreihe Des Ifo Instituts Fur Wirtschaftsforschung, #89)
by Armin Gebhardt and Otfried Hatzold
This laboratory-based package consists of a dynamic macroeconomics simulation and a lab manual, covering both basic and advanced macroeconomic concepts. The interactive material allows in-depth investigation of major economic concepts, and students can use the material for problem-solving analysis, testing intuitions via "what-if" scenarios, experimentation, and self study. Users are able to structure the simulations to conform to the assumptions of any of the major schools of economic thought,...
AP Macroeconomics (Kaplan AP Macroeconomics/Microeconomics)
by Richard G Brunelle
The scope of this volume is primarily to analyze from different methodological perspectives similar valuation and optimization problems arising in financial applications, aimed at facilitating a theoretical and computational integration between methods largely regarded as alternatives. Increasingly in recent years, financial management problems such as strategic asset allocation, asset-liability management, as well as asset pricing problems, have been presented in the literature adopting formu...
External Shocks and Stabilization Programs