The Life Insurance Industry in India
by Tapas Kumar Parida and Debashis Acharya
This book traces the development and analyses the performance of life insurance industry in India, since inception of this sector, using different business indicators over the years. It discusses the evolution and changing features of the Indian insurance industry in 3 phases: phase I from 1818 to 1956, phase II from 1956 to 2000 (known as the nationalisation period) and phase III post 2000 (called the post reform period). The book also measures the relative efficiency and productivity of the li...
Die Steuerung operationeller Risiken in Kreditinstituten (Bestmasters)
by Sabrina Kiszka
Sabrina Kiszka gibt einen Überblick über die Kategorien der operationellen Risiken, die nicht nur betriebsintern eine zunehmende Relevanz für Kreditinstitute besitzen, sondern auch in den Fokus der Bankenaufsicht rücken. Verknüpft mit aktuellen Beispielen aus der Bankenpraxis legt die Autorin einen geeigneten internen Steuerungsprozess dar. Auf Basis der bisherigen aufsichtsrechtlichen Messansätze analysiert die Autorin den überarbeiteten Standardansatz und zeigt als Ergebnis Verbesserungsvorsch...
This book brings simplicity to passive investing, smart beta, and factor investing, which is the fastest growing type of investment in the asset management industry. The subject has a strong academic foundation but often taught and presented in a quite complex and unorganized way.In recent years, index and factor investing solutions have been bestsellers. But factor investing success is not a foregone conclusion, and there are plenty of quirks and misprints in the literature. Do investors need a...
For many academics, students, and professionals, the field of commodities is a black box. This book explores commodities in a holistic manner, presenting concepts from a multidisciplinary business and financial perspective, and offering a panoramic view of the global commodity business and markets. In this book, the author presents core issues related to global commodities with recent data including COVID-19. The book introduces the key physical commodities traded globally and some related issue...
Management und Abbildung von Liquidität und Liquiditätsrisiken (Zfbf-Sonderheft, 73/18)
Die vorliegende Ausarbeitung zeigt konzeptionelle Grundlagen des Liquiditätsmanagements auf und stellt die Operationalisierung dieser Überlegungen in führenden deutschen Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen dar. Dies wird ergänzt um Beispiele aus der externen Berichterstattung über Liquidität und Liquiditätsrisiken. Außerdem wird ein Überblick über die Berücksichtigung von Liquidität in den Beurteilungen der Analysten und Ratingagenturen sowie über Untersuchungen zur Bewertung von Liquidität an den...
Introduction to Supply Chain Resilience (Classroom Companion: Business)
by Dmitry Ivanov
This book offers a concise yet comprehensive introduction to supply chain resilience, covering management, modeling and technology perspectives. Designed to accompany the textbook “Global Supply Chain and Operations Management” it addresses the topics of supply chain risks and resilience in more depth, describing the major features of supply chain resilience and explaining methodologies to mitigate supply chain disruptions and recover. Numerous practical examples and short case studies are provi...
Quick Guide Ganzheitliches Risk Management im Krankenhaus (Quick Guide)
by Stefan Hunziker, Philipp Henrizi, Alexander Hilsbos, and Thomas Schneeberger
Der vorliegende Leitfaden wurde im Rahmen eines wissenschaftlichen Forschungsprojekts entwickelt und in einer realen Praxisanwendung validiert. Das beschriebene Konzept unterstützt die Verantwortlichen, Schritt für Schritt ein ganzheitliches Risk Management in der Praxis umzusetzen. Der systematische Umgang mit Risiken wird an konkreten Spitalbeispielen erläutert, sodass der erprobte Risk Management Ansatz adaptiert und in pragmatischer Weise in Spitälern und Krankenhäusern umgesetzt werden kann...
Management of Political Risks (Business Guides on the Go)
by Marc-Felix Otto
Political risks are on the rise. The recent past has been characterized by a dominance of geopolitical risks, which have the potential to endanger companies, entire sectors, and even national economies. Furthermore, the expanding regulatory framework, growing national debt, and other factors contribute to the escalation of political risks. The book offers a comprehensive and proven approach to identify and manage such risks. In addition to avoiding and mitigating risks, there is an opportunity t...
Challenging existing ideas about not only what constitutes retail shrinkage, but also the approach that should be adopted to deal with it, it critically examines how current approaches to managing shrinkage are at best preventative, and how through operational excellence, organizations can reduce the impact it has on their profitability.
Capital Markets Trading and Investment Strategies in China
by Xiaojiang Zhang
This book covers in detail the building blocks of Chinese capital markets at the financial instrument level, the analytical pricing term structure of those instruments, the macro and industry economic framework and progress of the liberalization processes at work in the respective markets, the interaction of various participants in the markets, their trading and investment objectives and rationales, some of the most frequently applied trading and investment strategies, and risk management techni...
Dieses Sachbuch bietet privaten Anlegern eine erprobte Methode, Aktien mit einfachen Mitteln in drei Dimensionen zu analysieren, um eine fundierte Kaufentscheidung zu treffen. Chancen und Risiken werden aufgedeckt und abgewogen, so dass Anleger gemäß ihrer eigenen Risikobereitschaft handeln können. Im ersten Schritt wird anhand einer einfachen Kennziffernanalyse die finanzielle Situation der jeweiligen Aktiengesellschaft beleuchtet, um schnell und möglichst treffsicher finanziell solide Unterneh...
This book explores the issue of private sector over-indebtedness following the recent financial crisis. It addresses the various challenges for policymakers, investors and economic agents affected by applied remedial policies as the private non-financial sector in Europe continues to face increased challenges in servicing its debt, with the problem mainly concentrated in several countries in the EU periphery and Eastern Europe. Chapters from expert contributors address reduced investment as firm...
Despite the huge expansion in consumer credit in the last 25 years there are very few texts describing the operation of consumer credit markets. Consumer Credit Fundamentals is the first book to provide a broad cross-disciplinary introduction to the subject. It covers the history of credit, the types of consumer credit available, how credit is granted and managed, the legal framework within which commercial lenders must operate, as well as consumer and ethical issues. A complete, well-rounded an...
The Palgrave Handbook of Unconventional Risk Transfer
This handbook examines the latest techniques and strategies that are used to unlock the risk transfer capacity of global financial and capital markets. Taking the financial crisis and global recession into account, it frames and contextualises non-traditional risk transfer tools created over the last 20 years. Featuring contributions from distinguished academics and professionals from around the world, this book covers in detail issues in securitization, financial risk management and innovation,...
Advances in Finance & Applied Economics
Discussing a wide range of topics of contemporary relevance from the domain of finance and economics, this book presents a collection of twenty-four research papers, which were selected on the basis of their topicality, the novelty of their methods, and the importance of their subject matter. All papers pursue an empirical approach to address key research issues, and are categorized into three major parts. Part one includes papers related to development economics and environmental economics. Th...
This book looks more closely at how natural disasters impact bank activity and how banks can support economic recovery after a natural disaster. The importance of banks in this context is underscored by increasing regulatory attention on their role in fostering a sustainable future, but also on the risks that climate change poses to bank stability. Humanity has tried to cope with the short- and long-term economic consequences of natural disasters for centuries. However, the severity of these...
This book presents a broad overview of risk management in the banking industry, with a special focus on strategic thinking and decision-making. It reveals the broader context behind decision models and approaches to risk management in the financial industry, linking the regulatory landscape for capital management and risk to strategic thinking, together with behavioral and cultural assessments.
Professional Investment Portfolio Management
by James W. Kolari, Wei Liu, and Seppo Pynnönen
Professional investment portfolio management is increasingly utilizing sophisticated statistical and computer techniques to better control risks and improve performance. This book provides new quantitative tools and technology for securities professionals to help boost the performance of their investment portfolios offered to clients. Unlike other books in this area, the authors utilize revolutionary asset pricing methods and models to analyze data for U.S. stocks and show how to apply them to t...
Impacts of COVID-19 on Supply Chains (Springer Business Cases)
This book examines the effects of the pandemic on supply chains and consequent adjustments made by companies to cope with these effects. This research sheds light on the challenges faced by diverse industries during the COVID and post-COVID periods and the solutions employed by companies to tackle them. The book covers several strategies, such as fulfillment strategies, inventory management, insourcing/outsourcing decisions, agile operations adaptation, capacity management, supplier management,...
This book provides a comprehensive and practical guide to Islamic finance. It covers a broad range of important topics including Islamic banking, capital markets, Takaful, wealth management, Fintech in Islamic finance, compliance and governance issues. It begins by introducing Islamic banking, covering its objectives, principles and evolution, before moving on to discuss the religious foundations of Islamic finance. The prohibition of Riba and Gharar and Islamic contracts are explored, before I...
This book explains the standard Real Options Analysis (ROA) literature in a straightforward, step by step manner without the use of complex mathematics. A lot of ROA literature is described through partial differential equations, probability density functions and simulation techniques, all of which may be unconvincing in the applicable qualities ROA possesses. Using this book, the reader will have a better grasp about how ROA works and will be able to provide his or her judgment about ROA, since...
This book analyses the effect of biological risk on business and management by considering case studies from Malaysia, Lebanon, and G20 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Covering a wide range of topics, such as effects of virus risk on corporate sustainability, COVID-19 and CSR activities, governance practices and regulations for derivative products in emerging markets, risk management during a pandemic, and AI applications in the health sector, this book assists top management in redesign...
Utility and Welfare Optimization in Electricity Market s lays out clear optimization strategies for understanding the economic foundations of regulatory supply measures, further cementing electricity's role as an asset class with fixed and variable costs.