Actuarial thinking is everywhere in contemporary America, an often unnoticed byproduct of the postwar insurance industry’s political and economic influence. Calculations of risk permeate our institutions, influencing how we understand and manage crime, education, medicine, finance, and other social issues. Caley Horan’s remarkable book charts the social and economic power of private insurers since 1945, arguing that these institutions’ actuarial practices played a crucial and unexplored role in...
When is it morally acceptable to expose others to risk? Most moral philosophers have had very little to say in answer to that question, but here is a moral philosopher who puts it at the centre of his investigations.
Texas Life, Accident and Health Insurance License Exam Manual
by Financial Kaplan, Unknown, and Kaplan Financial
Betriebliche Eingliederung von an Depression erkrankten Beschäftigen
by Axel Eierdanz
Series 55 Premier Set
Australia (Longman international insurance reports)
Portuguese Property Guide
by Beatriz Lampreia, Simon Behr, and Fernando Tainhas
Performance of the Chinese Insurance Industry Under Economic Reforms
by S. Yao, Z. Han, and D. Luo
European Insurance and the Single Market
Financial Statement Analysis for Non-Financial Managers
by Ph D Robert Hoskin
Dictionary of Insurance (Monument S.)
CII Certificate in Insurance IF4 Insurance Claims Handling Process
The Certificate in Insurance offers an essential grounding to those working in the insurance industry, and is open to all, regardless of prior learning experience or qualifications. It focuses on areas of critical importance to the effective performance of all employees within the sector, including key ethical, regulatory, legal and insurance products.
CII Certificate in Insurance IF3 Insurance Underwriting Process
The Certificate in Insurance offers an essential grounding to those working in the insurance industry, and is open to all, regardless of prior learning experience or qualifications. It focuses on areas of critical importance to the effective performance of all employees within the sector, including key ethical, regulatory, legal and insurance products.
This book provides the foundational knowledge essential for comprehending the functioning of financial markets and institutions and their current challenges. First, the book provides a general overview on the functioning of the EU financial system, examining financial markets and financial intermediaries’ features and activity and their contribution to economic growth. It also outlines the evolution of the EU integration process, giving an overview of the most important regulatory steps related...
Lloyd's League Tables
In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten ist wohl kaum eine Versicherungs sparte so hiiufig und so intensiv von technischen, wirtschaftlichen, recht lichen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Veriinderungen betroffen worden wie die Allgemeine Raftpflichtversicherung. Weitgehend unveriindert blie ben die ARB, die jedoch stiindig durch neu geschaffene Besondere Bedin gungen und Zusatzbedingungen, Geschiiftsplanmiij3ige Erkliirungen der Versicherer nnd nicht zuletzt die Rechtsprechung eine Anpassung erf...