Gmat:Graduate Mgmt Admin Test (Arco Academic Test Preparation S.)
by Thomas H. Martinson and David Ellis
`The book makes a distinct contribution to the field. The integration of standards and mastery learning is important if standards, once established, are to be achieved by large numbers of students. I think it is timely, well organized, contains real-life examples, and is well written' - Lorin Anderson, Carolina Distinguished Professor of Education, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina There is a strong connection between the current standards movement and the philosophy of mas...
Ich bin Grundschullehrer Was sind deine Superkrafte? Notebook
by Lehrer Notebook
Trotz relativ gunstiger klimatischer Voraussetzungen fur den Getreideanbau ist die Russische Foderation auf Getreideimporte in Hohe von jahrlich etwa 10 Mio. t. (1991-1995) angewiesen. Die Ursache fur den Importbedarf liegt zum grossen Teil in den Verlusten wahrend der Ernte, Lagerung und des Transports von Getreide. Obwohl in der russischen Landwirtschaft ein grosses Potential zur Verringerung der Verluste und damit zur Nutzung von Einkommensreserven besteht, kann dieses von den Getreideproduze...
Powerful Social Studies for Elementary Students
by Janet Alleman, Anne-Lise Halvorsen, and Jere Brophy
Ideal whether you're a pre-service or in-service teacher, POWERFUL SOCIAL STUDIES FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS outlines ways to select content and teach history, geography, and social sciences meaningfully. It combines theory and research with examples from classroom practice. The fourth edition emphasizes the importance of using developmentally appropriate content and methods when helping students to develop social understanding and prepare for civic life. It also includes a solid research base, use...
How to Develop Entrepreneurial Graduates, Ideas and Ventures (How To Guides)
Charged with developing learning, teaching and assessment practices that go beyond delivering discipline-specific subject knowledge, the demands on entrepreneurial educators have increased in recent decades. This guide will help educators develop more entrepreneurial graduates by demonstrating how they can equip learners with key competencies such as team working, creativity, problem solving, and opportunity recognition. This engaging How to Guide shares the journeys of educators working within...
Colombia 2014 (OECD Environmental Performance Reviews)
For one/two-semester courses in Legal Document Preparation. This combination text/workbook/reference provides a well-rounded overview of the procedures to follow in producing legal documents in six areas of law, general legal correspondence, and miscellaneous documents. Students gain hands-on experience formatting and producing documents using any software package, word processor, electronic typewriter, or standard typewriter.
What We Know About Cscl and Implementing it in Higher Education
by Jan-Willem Strijbos, Paul Arthur Kirschner, and Rob Martens
Globalization and Education
This book presents the results of a joint meeting organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences where renowned international scholars discussed the importance of education in an increasingly globalized world. The papers cover a wide range of topics, including immigration, education in developing countries, knowledge transfer, social, economic, cultural, and political conditions in global education, technology, communication, access to information a...
Examensnoten, Studiendauer, Ausbildungsverlauf sind fur alle im akademischen Bereich Tatigen ausserst relevante Grossen. Zielgerichtetes Studieren erfordert eine effiziente Gestaltung des Studiums. Mit Hilfe statistischer Verfahren werden Einflussfaktoren auf den Studienerfolg ermittelt und analysiert, so dass die vorliegende Arbeit Ansatzpunkte zur Studiengestaltung geben kann."
"Which MBA?" is the most authoritative and prestigious guide to MBAs and other executive education programs on the market. New to this edition is a focus on the skills that every executive of the future will need, as well as a new orientation that highlights the growing sectors of executive programmes and part-time and distance MBAs.