Cultivating Development
by Kathleen B. Carey, Rachel MacCleery, Sarene Marshall, and Matthew Norris
Rural Development in China (Rural Development in China: The Rise of Innovative Institutions and Markets, Vol. 1)
by Yilong Lu
Protest and the Politics of Blame (Interests, Identities, and Institutions in Comparative Polit)
by Debra Lynn Javeline
With the development of the industry, both social lives and economies have been significantly affected. Together with the Industry 4.0 revolution, significant changes have occurred in both the social life and the production process. As a result, different sectors are affected by this change. With this book, successful researches have been carried out by expert academics in a wide range of fields from finance to marketing and tourism to foreign trade, etc.
The Processes and Practices of Fair Trade: Trust, Ethics and Governance
Building a Flourishing Organisation; Laying the Foundations for Success in an Increasingly Uncertain and Complex World
by Russell John Connor
Alchemy for Managers demonstrates how you can develop yourself through the actual experience of managing. Alchemy for Managers shows: - how you can use your practical experience as a self-contained means to develop yourself - without having to go on a course - how your own projects can develop your competence in both leadership and management - how managing external actions and your internal thought processes can be brought together in an integrated, holistic way.
Die beschrankten Vorrate an Brennstoffen und die Gefahren fur das Klima zwingen dazu, die Verbrennung fossiler Energietrager einzuschranken. Fur den zukunftigen Energiebedarf ist die Rolle der heutigen Entwicklungslander entscheidend. In der Arbeit wird eine exemplarische Studie fur das Land China durchgefuhrt. Die Analyse der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Rahmendaten und der Probleme der Energie- und Elektrizitatsversorgung zeigt, dass die Kernenergie fur die zukunftige Elektrizitatsversorgung Chinas...
Business Planner Q3 (Small Business Planner Diary, #3)
by Vincent Varghese