Decision Making Systems in Business Administration (World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering)
Multicriteria Decision Making : the Analytic Hierarchy Process : Planning,
by Thomas Lorie Saaty
This book provides a systematic introduction to linguistic aggregation operators, linguistic preference relations, and various models and approaches to multi-attribute decision making with linguistic information. Offers practical examples, tables and figures.
Weissbuch Zur Strategischen Neuausrichtung Des Osterreichischen Bundesheeres Oder
by Alfred Kyrer and Michael Alexander Populorum
101 Biases in Business and Banking (The Psychology of Economic Decisions, #3)
by Henry Priest
As management professor and consultant Kathleen Reardon explains in her new book, It's All Politics, talent and hard work alone will not get you to the top. What separates the winners from the losers in corporate life is politics. As Reardon explains, the most talented and accomplished employees often take a backseat to their politically adept coworkers, losing ground in the race to get ahead—sometimes even losing their jobs. Why? Because they’ve failed to manage the important relationships wit...
Public Private Partnership (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #2410)
by Sibylle Roggencamp
In Atomic the authorsa revolutionary theory is put to the test. Looking across all sectors of business, including retail banking, financial services, telecommunications, IT and consultancy, carbon--based corporations (oil and gas companies), and consumer products companies, Camrass and Farncombe discover some real eye--openers, including how truly more efficient these industries become by a change in corporate structure. The implications for individuals are equally profound and far--reaching. I...
Intelligent Decision Aiding Systems Based on Multiple Criteria for Financial Engineering
This study provides an introduction to the effective use of mathematical and statistical techniques in business operations. It works from first principles and builds towards a complete understanding of quantative methods as required on first level undergraduate, graduate and professional courses. role of information technology in quantative techniques and includes an additional chapter on computational aids. An optional diskette is now available, as is a Lecturer's Guide which can be obtained fr...
Information Management (CIMA Syllabus) (CIMA Study & Revision Packs, Stage 4)
Cross-Cultural Risk Perception demonstrates the richness and wealth of theoretical insights and practical information that risk perception studies can offer to policy makers, risk experts, and interested parties. The book begins with an extended introduction summarizing the state of the art in risk perception research and core issues of cross-cultural comparisons. The main body of the book consists of four cross-cultural studies on public attitudes towards risk in different countries, inc...
I Got So Much Procrastinating Done Today (Gift Ideas for Career & Workplace/Notebooks, #6)
by Cindy Mindy Corporate
Six SIGMA Statistics with Excel and Minitab, Chapter 15 - Pinpointing the Vital Few Root Causes
by Issa Bass
Loose Leaf for Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core
by F Robert Jacobs and Richard B Chase
The marriage of neuroscience and the science of choice behaviour gave birth to neuroeconomics. Jan de Jong explores this new discipline, investigating the relationship between choice behaviour and brain activity, and the light that this sheds on our systems of reasoning.
This Handbook presents a synopsis of the current state of various aspects of the theory of financial economics and its application to important financial problems. The chapters, which are tutorial and survey-like in nature, have been written by leading experts in the field. The contributions are in two broad categories: capital markets and corporate finance. The key topics of the theory are included with strong emphasis on empirical work and practice. The volume should serve as a primary referen...
The Invincible Company (Strategyzer)
by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Alan Smith, and Frederic Etiemble
The long-awaited follow-up to the international bestsellers, Business Model Generation and Value Proposition Design Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneurs' Business Model Canvas changed the way the world creates and plans new business models. It has been used by corporations and startups and consultants around the world and is taught in hundreds of universities. After years of researching how the world's best companies develop, test, and scale new business models, the authors have produced their def...