Are you are Possibility Thinker? (Glass Half Full, #1012)
by Annie Mac Journals
Internationally bestselling author Dan Ariely brings his unique perspective to bear on a maelstrom of life's problems - from how to deal with a Christmas card list that's fast becoming unmanageable to whether or not you should have children. Ariely changed the way we view ourselves, how we think and how we act, with his book Predictably Irrational. In his immensely popular Wall Street Journal advice column, where readers "Ask Ariely" for his help with various dilemmas, he provides a logical vie...
"Trap Tales" ist Ihr Leitfaden zur Vermeidung der 7 Hindernisse, die Menschen jeden Tag ablenken und aufhalten. Wir alle tappen in diese Fallen und merken es oft nicht, oder erst, wenn es zu spat ist. Wie bei Treibsand kann man leicht in Fallen geraten, aber schwer wieder herauskommen - umso mehr man es versucht, umso tiefer versinkt man darin. Aber was ware, wenn wir diese Fallen umgehen koennten? Wenn wir sie schon aus der Ferne erkennen koennten und einen grossen Bogen um sie machen wurden?...
Clusteranalyse Fuer Netzwerke (Informationstechnologie Und Oekonomie, #47)
by Alexandra Rebecca Klages
In diversen Forschungsgebieten lassen sich Relationen zwischen Objekten durch Netzwerke darstellen. Eine wichtige Fragestellung innerhalb der Analyse komplexer Gefuge ist die Identifikation eng vernetzter Gruppen von Objekten, welche auch Cluster genannt werden. Solche Strukturen lassen sich als Netzwerke abbilden, in denen die Objekte den Knoten und ihre Beziehungen den Kanten entsprechen. Diese Arbeit stellt eine neue Methode zur Bildung von Clustern in Netzwerken vor. Dabei werden hierarchisc...
Prise de Decision Dans Les Entreprises Au Canada (Industry Canada Research Series,)
This book shows readers how to create intelligent systems for business using both expert systems and neural networks. Topics are presented from an applied business perspective and are reinforced throughout by managerial applications. Part 1 introduces the field of intelligent systems. Part 2 covers the theoretical foundation of logic-based systems. Part 3 offers students hands-on experience using a deductive tool (LEVEL 5) and an inductive tool (1st-CLASS), and discusses practical issues in deve...
Business, culture, and competitive landscapes have fundamentally changed, but the basic principles and best practices for succeeding and future-proofing both yourself and your organisation haven't. With a mix of compelling stories, research from the social sciences and psychology, and real-world insights, Make Change Work for You shows how to reignite your career, rekindle creativity, and fearlessly innovate your way to success by providing the tools needed to master uncertainty and conquer ever...
This book offers 50 innovative ways of looking at your business as a long-term, dynamic, progressive entity. Here you will find 50 ways to ditch the atrophying forces and create an exponentially achieving, high-performance culture in your organisation. Some rules help us, but some don’t. Do you know which to ditch? And do you know how to create a dynamic, learning culture that doesn’t rely on blind bureaucracy? Elon Musk did it with Tesla and Space-X. Pixar does it too. The Israeli Defence Force...
Developing Your Intuition (J-B CCL (Center for Creative Leadership), #108) (CCL No. 425)
by Talula Cartwright
Et Jean-Baptiste Say... Crea l'Entrepreneur (Business and Innovation, #12)
A la fin du 18e siecle, l'initiative individuelle a ete magnifiee pour permettre a l'economie de sortir de son etat de passivite et de sclerose. Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832), economiste francais et partisan de la revolution francaise, a produit une theorie generale de l'entrepreneur ou l'innovation tient une place essentielle. L'entrepreneur peut etre a la fois gestionnaire, capitaliste, innovateur. Say crea l'entrepreneur et le dota de moult charismes: esprit de conduite, genie des affaires, c...
Mergers and Acquisitions Security
by Edward Halibozek and Gerald Kovacich
In reaction to the continually changing business climate companies develop many business strategies to increase their competitiveness and improve profitability. Companies regularly reshape themselves continually exploring new markets and developing new products. When they can't expand into new markets or develop new products on their own, they seek alternatives. These alternatives include merging with or acquiring other companies to create a single more capable company. Companies acquire other c...