Price-Forecasting Models for At Home Group Inc HOME Stock
by Ton Viet Ta
Price-Forecasting Models for GigaMedia Limited GIGM Stock (NASDAQ Composite Components, #1440)
by Ton Viet Ta
Investir em Petróleo e Gás Natural por meio de ETCs
by Simone Malacrida
The Power of Impact Investing (Socially Responsible Investing)
by Robert Buckley
Cme Vulnerability, The: The Impact Of Negative Oil Futures Trading
In 2020, the global lockdowns caused by the COVID-19, or coronavirus, pandemic had resulted in a sharp drop in demand for crude oil. This impact was so severe that on April 8, 2020, a proposal to update the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. (CME) trading rule to permit negative prices was applied to CME's WTI Oil futures contracts; this led to a novel phenomenon in which the closing clearing price of WTI Oil May future was $-37.63/barrel based on fewer than 400 contracts' trading volume...
Finite Element Analysis of Convective Heat Transfer in Porous Enclosures
by Subrat Das
Certain investigations on power management systems for standalone and grid interactive hybrid power supply
by Saravanan S
Stock Market Investing for Beginners - Investor's Ultimate Guide from Novice to Expert
by Jonathan S Walker