Experience Explosive Growth with Your Banquet Facility Business
by Daniel O'Neill
Experience Explosive Growth with Your Abrasive Blast Cleaning Service Business
by Daniel O'Neill
Risk Taking Behaviour by Advertisers (Henley Working Paper)
by Douglas West and etc.
Geschichte Der Marketing-Theorie (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #1889)
by Roland Bubik
Die Marketing-Lehre gleicht einer Ansammlung der unterschiedlichsten 'Approaches' und Methoden. 'Marketing' umfasst eine funktionale Absatztheorie, versteht sich daneben aber auch als eine Managementlehre. Woher ruhrt diese Heterogenitat des Faches? Wie konnte eine Verkaufskunde zur Parallel-BWL mutieren? Was ist eigentlich modern am modernen Marketing - und welche alten Inhalte erscheinen lediglich in immer neuer Verpackung auf dem Wissenschaftsmarkt? Wie kam es zur Verdrangung der deutschen Ab...
Experience Explosive Growth with Your Antique Appraising Business
by Daniel O'Neill
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined
by Michael Publishing
21st International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications
by Pantea Foroudi and TC Melewar
As higher education institutions adapt to an increasingly digital world, it is imperative that they adopt technological techniques that allow them to establish a digital presence. Academic e-branding involves managing a university's brand and image to promote and build the reputation of the institution, especially in regards to its student and faculty research and achievements. Without a solid digital presence, higher education institutions may struggle to remain competitive. Improving Universit...
The new series edited by the "Jubilaumsstiftung of the Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien", aims at presenting results of interdisciplinary research conducted at one of the largest business schools in Europe. The Volumes One and Two focus on recent results gained by a group of mathematicians and marketing scientists. It is a unique feature that the writing style adopted for this series makes the findings accessible for members of both research communities. It is also targeted to practitioners in market...
Advertising Expenditure Forecasts (September 2015) (December 2015)
by ZenithOptimedia
Digital Signage gives you macro and micro views of the burgeoning digital signage industry. Whether you are looking for new opportunities or to expand your business, with this book you will be able to clearly understand and accurately analyze the developments, trends and projections. As part of the NAB Executive Technology Briefing series, this book features the future impact of the technology across many different industries and platforms. Explanations of hardware such as displays, servers, and...
Mr. Delano is one of America's top branding strategists and the creative genius behind such superstar names as Oldsmobile's Intrigue sports sedan, Nissan's Pathfinder sport utility vehicle, Pfizer's Zoloft antidepressant, GMC's Yukon utility truck, and Primerica financial services. In The Omnipowerful Brand, he reveals a wealth of specific tips, insider secrets, and lessons from behind the scenes - more ready-to-work information than any other naming or branding book ever produced. Step by field...