Natural Wonders spotlights the works of thirteen artists who work in various media to depict themes of nature both its beauty and its more disquieting aspects from painting and sculpture to 3-D landscapes and botanical replications to dioramas and lenticular prints. The range of works encourages us to be more attentive to our natural surroundings and address timely issues such as habitat loss, environmental toxins, bioengineering, and increasing alienation from nature. Ramljak s essay provides a...
Austin native and Transplants creator Antonio Bond is the preferred florist for the renowned Hotel St. Cecelia. His floral arrangements and designs have graced the Texas Film Hall of Fame Awards and Austin’s famed SXSW music festival along with many other high-profile events and venues. His first book, Transplants: Eclectic Floral Design features: • Over 200 full-color photos highlighting a broad range of Antonio’s work • Notes on design elements and process • Inspiration for lovers of the ar...
Stone Talks brings together poems and four talks/essays by noted poet Alyson Hallett on the subject of stones, rocks, somatics and our relationship with our environment. The book invites us to listen again to the world around us - the world of rocks and trees and sky and stars and sea that we participate in and that participates in us. It reawakens a childlike curiosity in us, makes connections that we had forgotten, and gives us permission to experience the world in an embodied and vibrant wa...
The argument for low-cost, zero-energy, zero-waste architecture has never been timelier, while the mainstream has largely abandoned or neglected this agenda: in the UK the recent mandatory zero-carbon performance targets for new homes have been postponed or forgotten at a time when thousands of new homes will be built, and there is already a shortage of electric generating capacity. This book offers a forceful challenge to the current addiction to overconsumption of natural capital and energy, a...
Discover hundreds of the most interesting and memorable art experiences from around the world! Amazing Art Adventures offers us art and culture as an experience both within and beyond the gallery, opening a door to unexpected adventures - art fairs, festivals, installations, art trails, galleries, art islands, monuments, sculpture parks and museums. Aimed at all of us who travel to learn about new places and cultures, the book gathers together hundreds of unforgettable art experiences arou...
A bold reappraisal of Land art through the pioneering work of 12 women sculptors Using materials such as earth, wind, water, fire, wood, salt, rocks, mirrors and explosives, American artists of the 1960s began to move beyond the white cube gallery space to work directly in the land. With ties to Minimal and Conceptual art, these artists placed less emphasis on the discrete object and turned their attention to the experience of the artwork—however fleeting or permanent that might be—foregroundin...
The Cosmos Revealed
by Jan F Simek, Erin E Dunsmore, Johannes Loubser, and Sierra M Bow
The definitive rock art book on Painted Bluff, Alabama Containing more than 130 paintings and engravings, Painted Bluff is perhaps the most elaborate prehistoric pictograph site east of the Mississippi River. Positioned at several levels on a dramatic sandstone cliff along the Tennessee River in northern Alabama, the spectacular paintings and engravings depict mythical creatures, dancing humans, and mystical portals. The Cosmos Revealed: Precontact Mississippian Rock Art at Painted Bluff, Alaba...
On the disconnect between the colonial impulse to collect, consume, and commodify ecologies and the violent realities of the colonial experience. “Orchidelirium,” the orchid madness that gripped Europe over a century ago, is still alive and well. The Estonian presentation at the 59th Venice Biennale utilizes this moniker to highlight the disjuncture between the colonial impulse to collect, consume, and commodify ecologies and the violent realities of the colonial experiences in both Estonia and...
Assuming the Ecosexual Position
by Annie Sprinkle, Beth Stephens, and Jennie Klein
The story of the artistic collaboration between the originators of the ecosex movement, their diverse communities, and the Earth What’s sexy about saving the planet? Funny you should ask. Because that is precisely—or, perhaps, broadly—what Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens have spent many years bringing to light in their live art, exhibitions, and films. In 2008, Sprinkle and Stephens married the Earth, which set them on the path to explore the realms of ecosexuality as they became lovers with...
A MOVING POEM THAT ECHOES THE LOVE PALESTINIANS HAVE FOR THEIR OLIVE TREES AND THEIR DEEP CONNECTION TO THEIR LAND FEATURES SEVENTEEN MAJOR PALESTINIAN ARTISTS Rest in My Shade is a poetic story about displacement, identity and loss recited by an ancient olive tree. It is illustrated with olive trees created in various media by Palestinian artists living around the world.
Spaces (The Key Debates: Mutations and Appropriations in European Film Studies)
Film has long been defined as a temporal art, most famously by André Bazin and Andrei Tarkovsky. Yet more fundamentally it has always been a spatial art, transporting its audiences imaginatively to spaces and places other than those they literally inhabit. In the digital era, this spatial illusion and paradox has been greatly expanded – by the predominance of domestic film viewing, along with new extra-terrestrial perspectives, and the promise of novel kinesthetic experiences with Virtual Realit...