Handbuch Integriertes Schadlingsmanagement
by Bill Landsberger, Adrian Meyer, David Pinninger, and Pascal Querner
Fine Lines: American Drawings From the Brooklyn Museum
by Sherry, Karen A., Gillaspie, Caroline, and Jenkins, Caitlin
'Fine Lines: American Drawings' from the Brooklyn Museum is the first survey of the Brooklyn Museum's world-class collection of drawings. It highlights more than 100 masterworks in graphite, charcoal, pen and ink, crayon, and pastel, by some of the most important names in American art from the last three centuries; among the more than 70 artists included are John Singleton Copley, Benjamin West, Winslow Homer, William Merritt Chase, Edward Hopper, Georgia O Keeffe, and Marsden Hartley. Author Ka...
Accelerated Aging (Scientific Tools for Conservation S.)
by Robert L. Feller
Written by a renowned expert in the field, this book presents an overview of the results of research using accelerated aging tests. The emphasis is on the chemical aspects of photochemical stability, but thermally initiated deterioration is also discussed. Although not a "how-to" book, it does introduce the reasoning, limitations, and principles underlying the concept of accelerated aging. An extensive bibliography provides conservators and conservation scientists with an invaluable source for f...
Gods are Leaving the Country, The: Art Theft from Nepal
by Jurgen Schick
L'Amour de l'Art
Scientific Examination for the Investigation of Paintings
by D. Pinna, M. Galeotti, and R. Mazzeo
This volume, a friendly-consulting handbook, stems from professionals involved in the European project EU-ARTECH to address a particular need in the field of scientific analyses applied to cultural heritage conservation. The handbook is specifically addressed to conservator-restorers to illustrate the role played by scientific examinations in the investigation of panel and canvas paintings by explaining some analytical techniques - what they are and why they are used, what are their limits, and...
Ciencia Para Los Restauradores
Cave Temples of Mogao at Dunhuang (Getty Publications - (Yale)) (BIBLIOTHECA PAEDIATRICA REF KARGER)
by Roderick Whitfield
This book offers a revised and expanded look at a world-renowned artistic treasure and its conversation. The Mogao grottoes in China, situated near the town of Dunhuang on the fabled Silk Road, constitute one of the world's most significant sites of Buddhist art. The hundreds of caves carved into rock cliffs at the edge of the Gobi desert preserve one thousand years of exquisite art. Founded by Buddhist monks as an isolated monastery in the late fourth century, Mogao evolved into an artistic and...
Manual de Conservacion Preventiva
by Ernesto B Marchione Augusto M Tissera
The Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum, the model for the Getty Villa in Malibu, is one of the world's earliest systematically investigated archaeological sites. Buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE, the Villa dei Papiri was discovered in 1750 and excavated under the auspices of the Neapolitan court. Never fully unearthed, the site yielded spectacular coloured marble floors and mosaics, frescoed walls, the largest known ancient collection of bronze and marble statuary, intricately carv...
Restauratorische Fachplanung in Der Denkmalpflege
by Steffi Brockerbaum and Mechthild Noll-Minor
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York houses one of the world's largest and most comprehensive collections of antiquities and works of art. Their preservation is a responsibility that involves everyone who serves the Museum and who has access to the collection. This handbook offers a practical guide to the ways in which different art objects should be handled and cared for, whether they are on display, in transit, or in storage; and it also explains some of the fundamental principles of c...
House Paints, 1900–1960 – History and Use (BIBLIOTHECA PAEDIATRICA REF KARGER)
by Harriet A. L. Standeven
This title provides an extensive and comprehensive examination of the history and use of modern house paints. The versatility of modern commercial house paints has ensured their use in a broad range of applications, including the protection and decoration of historic buildings, the coating of toys and furniture, and the creation of works of art. While the ubiquity of commercial paints means that conservators are increasingly called upon to preserve them, such paints pose unique challenges includ...
Conservation of Indian Heritage
Conservation of Indian Miniatures and Illustrated Manuscripts
by A.K. Bisht
An Archaeology of Land Ownership (Routledge Studies in Archaeology)
Within archaeological studies, land tenure has been mainly studied from the viewpoint of ownership. A host of studies has argued about land ownership on the basis of the simple co-existence of artefacts on the landscape; other studies have tended to extrapolate land ownership from more indirect means. Particularly noteworthy is the tendency to portray land ownership as the driving force behind the emergence of social complexity, a primordial ingredient in the processes that led to the political...