Although the Gospels of Matthew and Luke support the tradition that there were two Jesus children, the idea was not adopted by the Church. Something of the idea lingered on in Christian art and symbolism, but the full tradition was preserved only in the literature of such esoteric sects as the Gnostics, who did not adopt all the official teachings of institutionalized Christianity. David Ovason explores the literature and art in which these symbols have been preserved, in particular, the ancient...
In AD 726, the Byzantine emperor ordered the destruction of all icons, or religious images, throughout the empire, and icons were subject to an imperial ban that was to last, with a brief remission, until AD 843. A defender of icons, St John of Damascus wrote three treatises against "those who attack the holy images." He differentiates between the veneration of icons, which is a matter of expressing honor, and idolatry, which is offering worship to something other than God.
Lost Empire of the Silk Road Buddhist Art from Khara Khoto (XX111th Century)
The Bible and Art, Perspectives from Oceania (Scriptural Traces)
This volume takes readers on a fascinating journey through the visual arts of Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands, contemplating the multivocal dialogues that occur between these artistic media and the texts and traditions of the Bible. With their distinctively antipodean perspectives, contributors explore the innovative ways that both creators and beholders of Oceanic arts draw upon their contexts and cultures in order to open up creative engagements with the stories, themes...
Raphael's School of Athens (Edizioni Musei Vaticani / Recent Restorations of the Vatican, ?)
by Arnold Nesselrath
Raphael's "School of Athens" has been copied, described, imitated, analyzed, and admired. This volume, documenting its restoration, is richly illustrated and carefully documented in minute detail. This monumental work of Renaissance art, painted as a tribute to the virtue of Truth, will be further understood and appreciated by art lovers and scholars.
Christopher Paudiss (Ausstellungskataloge /Diozesanmuseum Fur Christliche Kunst D, #44)
Thresholds of the Sacred (Dumbarton Oaks Other Titles in Byzantine Studies (HUP))
by Sharon E. J. Gerstel, Elizabeth Bolman, Joan Branham, Nicholas Constas, and Marcia Hall
Biebrich (Historische Baudenkmaler, Parks Und Garten in Hessen, #2429) (Broschuren Historischer Baudenkmaler, #8)
by Sonja Geurts
Maastricht (Kleine Kunstfuhrer / Kirchen U. Kloster, #2551) (Kleine Kunstfuhrer, #2315)
by Sigismund Tagage