“Termite Art,” in Farber’s definition, is art born of observing and acknowledging the transitory nature of daily life. It is also a key antidote to the widespread problem of “White Elephant” art— big, swaggering “masterpiece art” self-consciously striving for greatness. In this book, artists, historians, and critics dive deep into art that forgoes such ambition in order to attend to the pleasures and problems of the everyday. The book is anchored by an essay by editor Helen Molesworth and featur...
Presented here is a collection that symbolizes of a period in Italy's history characterized by great cultural growth. This is also the story of Sergio Casoli, who opened his gallery in the studio of one Lucio Fontana--one of modern art's legends and a visionary artist--whose works Casoli fell in love with the day he set foot inside his studio. Fontana's works are documented in this volume along with that of Giovanni Anselmo, Alberto Burri, Enrico Castellani, Luciano Fabro, Piero Manzoni, Fausto...
Die Geschlechterinszenierung in Pedro Almod�vars Film "Das Gesetz der Begierde"
by Anica Seidel
Urban Walls - A Generation of Collage in Europe and America
by Brandon Taylor
Burhan Dogancay with Francois Dufrene, Raymond Hains, Robert Rauschenberg, Mimmo Rotella, Jacques Villegle, Wolf Vostell. Having discovered urban walls as an inspiration when he first came to New York in the early 1960s, it has remained the central motif of Burhan Dogancay's art for nearly fifty years. His art, collage paintings created by bringing together layers of colorful posters, objects, graffiti and other materials collected from cities all over the world, communicates messages about cont...
Crazy Art will be a revelation to anyone who thinks that art is more or less limited to painting, sculpture and photography. The title features the work of more than sixty contemporary artists drawn from all over the world, demonstrating that there are absolutely no boundaries to expressing the most inventive and exciting ideas through a vast range of different media and materials. Five chapters pitch well-known artists - such as Carl Warner with his bizarre "foodscapes", or Nathan Swaya, creato...
Rock - Paper - Scissors
by Diedrich Diederichsen, Nora Sdun, and Dirck Linck
Do you long to cultivate more creative joy in your painting? Flowers are organic, wonderfully forgiving subjects. Each one is unique; you can't paint one wrong! Painted Blossoms will encourage you to welcome creativity with ease as you discover ways to tend the garden within. In addition to watching yourself grow through seven different stepped-out flower projects, you'll learn basic design elements, how to get unstuck from the mud, how to carve your own stamps, cut your own stencils and more. A...
Almost every well-known painter and sculptor has created at least one book with original illustrations since the late nineteenth century. Publishers have engaged the imaginations of the finest writers, designers, printers and artists - among them Picasso, Malevich, Kandinsky, Kokoschka and Matisse - to collaborate on the creation of the vibrant publications created here in six sections: the evolution of the modern book in the decades before and after 1900; the momentum of Modernism in the twenti...
Mixed-Media Dollhouses: Techniques and Ideas for Doll-Size Assemblages
by Tally Oliveau and Julie Molina
This practical handbook shows how to combine other materials with ceramics. Once a ceramic piece is finished it can be embellished or added to with a wooden or metal handle, glass stopper, or plastic or resin knob. Extra pieces can be glued on such as feathers, recycled materials (old tins etc.) or other bits of ceramic. Ceramics and Mixed Media examines the best methods of combining and fitting these materials together - including some inside the kiln. It covers the practicalities and specific...
Is the language of computers going to become the lingua franca of the global information society? Under its heading Code - The Language of Our Time, this year's Ars Electronica, the annual festival for art, technology and society held in Linz, explores software and digital codes. This book is a documentation of the symposia, exhibitions, performances and interventions in public space with which artistic, scientific and socio-political contributions explore this topic at the Ars Electronica 2003.
Animali da fattoria amorosi - Libro da colorare - Toro, puledro, pecora, maiale e altro ancora
by Vanessa Cirrincione
Zen Malbucher fur Erwachsene - Einfaches Level - Tier - Eichhoernchen
by Anaya Biermann