In this mock autobiographical collection, Shrigley's mischievous drawings capture life's anxieties and ambitions from the mundane to the surreal. Here, at last, is the truth about beer, doctors, shadow puppets, lunch, dolphins, boredom, and supernatural forces. Seductively strange and addictively amusing, this edgy little book welcomes the uninitiated and rewards the faithful.
Some Newfoundland Wild Flowers [microform]
by Mary 1862-1943 Southcott
Pawel Althamer Collector's Edition
by Charles Esche and Roman Kurzmeyer
Perhaps the most notable development in the art of the past decade has been 'relational aesthetics' -- social, collaborative, participatory art that is concerned less with producing objects than with composing human interactions. Although most critical attention has focused on its development in Western Europe and the United States, relational art has flourished in regions with less developed art economies --decommodified contemporary art scenes being a natural habitat for dematerialized artwork...
This is the first major publication on the life and work of one of the most important British artists of the twentieth century. Ceri Richards, born in Wales in 1903, was a draughtsman of genius and a painter of rare energy and imagination. It was while he was training at the Royal College of Art in London in the mid 1920s that his life-long, fiercely intelligent engagement with modern European painting began. He read and was deeply affected by Kandinsky and responded at the most profound level t...
Leonardo Da Vinci - Denker und Wissenschaftler (Prestiges)
by Eugene Muntz
Antoni Gaudi - El punto de partida para el modernismo catalan (Best of)
by Jeremy Roe
Art Books (Mega Square)