"The Wetland Project is a beautiful, quietly amazing work of micro-post-geographical art that allows us to be wherever we are and somewhere wonderfully natural and real, simultaneously. It’s an experience I wish everyone could have, and I wish there were more experiences like it." —William Gibson The Wetland Project book is the print component of a multidisciplinary and multimedia project centred on the sounds emanating from the ṮEḴTEḴSEN marsh, in unceded W̱SÁNEĆ territory (Saturna Island, Br...
A monument to the talent of Canadian women artists in the interwar period, Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment provides a full and diverse cross-country survey of the art made by women during this pivotal time, incorporating the work of both settler and Indigenous visual artists in a stirring affirmation of the female creative voice.
À la recherche d'Expo 67
Expo 67 tient une large place dans notre mémoire collective, mais la nostalgie en fait souvent un événement lointain, occultant les circonstances qui ont permis ce moment culturel exceptionnel. Pensons notamment à la remarquable liberté avec laquelle créateurs, artistes, architectes, cinéastes et concepteurs ont expérimenté des techniques et des formes nouvelles et proposé des produits culturels d'une diversité étonnante. Corollaire de l'exposition présentée par le Musée d'art contemporain en 20...
The art of Gerard Collins resists categorisation. Over a 50-year career, Collins’s conceptual imagination and dizzying array of influences has produced a body of work as eclectic as it is stimulating. His oeuvre, ranging from still lifes to landscapes, from realism to neo-conceptualism, remains undeniably embedded in Saint John, while partaking in — and pushing against — national and international conversations about art and theory. Featuring over 75 reproductions of Collins’s work, including...
Painter Christopher Pratt is one of Canada's most prominent painters and printmakers, a reputation that has solidified since the celebrated retrospective of his work at the National Gallery of Canada in 2005. The intense realism of his work is, at first glance, deceptively simple; but behind the recognizable images lie deeper meanings. Pratt's search for reality that is magical and mysterious gives these paintings their uncanny and haunting qualities. Ever since the day in the mid-1950s when Pra...
"When you revisit a place that matters to you for the first time in a long time it is a rich, spiritual experience, but if you then revisit such a place too frequently it loses some of its power. The power lies in the absences." — Christopher Pratt Widely considered to be one of Canada's most prominent and celebrated painters, Christopher Pratt stands with other great artists — Alex Colville, Lawren P. Harris, Jean Paul Lemieux, and Lionel LeMoine Fitzgerald — who influenced him and the way he r...
The first comprehensive look at a leading figure in Canadian modernism and the many facets of his artistic creativity. Bertram Brooker (1888–1955), an associate of the Group of Seven, was a multi-disciplinary artist who was deeply engaged with the visual, literary and performing arts in Canada during the dynamic inter-war period. This was a time of dramatic change in Canadian cultural life, and Brooker was one of the artistic community’s most gifted first responders. In 1927 he burst onto the...
If This Fumbled Kiss Ever Ends, I'm Going to Write Her a Poem
by G C McRae
How do you begin to write an art history and what are the vital questions to ask? Which marks are most prominent in the visual culture of a particular place, and which are nearly invisible?In Future Possible (a riff on an Andy Jones monologue about how Newfoundlanders talk about their future, an attitude which he describes as "Future possible, possibly horrible"), Mireille Eagan and writers and artists such as Heather Igloliorte, Lisa Moore, Andy Jones, and Craig Francis Power navigate the tangl...
In the 1930s, the exciting urban environment of Montreal provided the perfect venue for a varied group of people who came together to form a kind of "salon" in the turmoil of the Great Depression. For ten years, these friends and acquaintances met each week at the home of the artist John Lyman. They saw themselves as "modern," a part of the avant-garde that was then busily changing the world. These Canadian modernists supported left-wing causes, advocated a more stable social order, and heralded...
This edition of E.J. Pratt's letters is the final volume in the Collected Works series. Because of Pratt's role in the making of Canadian culture between and after the World Wars, his correspondence highlights key moments in our cultural history and provides a view of the enterprise from its very centre. The letters take us into his "workshop," illuminating the research behind his distinctive documentary long poems and the social nature of his creative production. They also reveal the complex ne...
The Beaverbrook Art Gallery Collection
by Ian G Lumsden, Curtis Joseph Collins, and Laurie Glenn
This book, published to accompany the exhibition of the same title, explores Jean-Paul Riopelle's interest in northern Canada and his works devoted to this theme. It highlights in particular the wonderful series of paintings he made in the 1970s, including both the works themselves and archival materials that delve into this period when Riopelle was especially energetic. It was a time when he organised a number of trips to the region to fish, hunt, and immerse himself in nature, seeking t...
The Nurturing Darkness (Contemporary Artists of Newfoundland and Labrador, #1)
by Emily Deming-Martin
Facing the monumental issues of our time. In a 2012 performance piece, Rebecca Belmore transformed an oak tree surrounded by monuments to colonialism in Toronto's Queens Park into a temporary "non-monument" to the Earth. For more than 30 years, she has given voice in her art to social and political issues, making her one of the most important contemporary artists working today. Employing a language that is both poetic and provocative, Belmore's art has tackled subjects such as water and land r...