Color is inextricably linked with architecture; as a design element and also as an inherent quality, it characterizes the shape and texture of the built fabric. The book presents extraordinary color schemes, both in terms of technology and aesthetics, for ground-breaking architecture with a wide spectrum of functions: from apartment to concert hall, from flagship store to city park. The focus is on the works of the three architects Frank O. Gehry, Jean Nouvel and Wang Shu. This is expanded by th...
Osborne's Guide to the Grand Junction, or Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester Railway
by Edward Cornelius Osborne
Des Principes de l'Architecture, de la Sculpture, de la Peinture, Et Des Autres Arts Qui En Dépendent
by Andre Felibien
Don't Give Up on Your Dreams, Keep Sleeping (Memes the Word Press, #3) (Encouraging Funny Cool Notebooks for All, #2)
by Memes the Word Press
Fumihiko Maki (b. 1928), who was honoured with a Pritzker Prize in 1993, is known for subtle but technologically innovative buildings that thoughtfully relate to the people who use them and to their surroundings. This volume includes over 40 key projects selected by Maki, each of which is illustrated in detail and described by Maki himself, including analysis of how they have influenced his design thinking. Three prominent historians, Kenneth Frampton, David Stewart, and Mark Mulligan, have cont...
A Popular and Illustrated Guide to St. Peter's Church, Dorchester
by Alfred Metcalfe
Ich bin nicht Gott aber als Buchhalterin bin ich goettlich
by Anja Galhuber
Ich bin nicht Gott aber als Animateurin bin ich goettlich
by Anja Galhuber
Painting and Sculpture in Europe (Pelican History of Art)
by Fritz Novotny
The Pritzker Prize is the most prestigious international prize for architecture. Architect includes all 42 recipients of the Pritzker Prize, and captures in pictures and their own words their awe-inspiring achievements. Organized in reverse chronological order by laureate each chapter features four to six of the architect's major works, including museums, libraries, hotels, places of worship, and more. The text, culled from notebooks, interviews, articles, and speeches illuminates the architects...
Geschichte Der Christlichen Kunst, Volume 1
by Joseph Sauer and Franz Xaver Kraus
Gott schuf alle Menschen gleich aber nur die allerbesten durften Biobauer werden
by Franz Wonderer
The Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste, Volume 13
by Andrew Jackson Downing
Optical Monitoring of Fresh and Processed Agricultural Crops (Contemporary Food Engineering)
In an age of heightened nutritional awareness, assuring healthy human nutrition and improving the economic success of food producers are top priorities for agricultural economies. In the context of these global changes, new innovative technologies are necessary for appropriate agro-food management from harvest and storage, to marketing and consumer consumption. Optical Monitoring of Fresh and Processed Agricultural Crops takes a task-oriented approach, providing essential applications for a bett...
Regenerative design and architecture What will it take to restore balance to our world, repair past injustices, and support future generations' survival? Reaching beyond 'sustainability', 'regenerative' practice is increasingly named as a new goal, but what does this emerging term really mean? And which key mindset shifts might enable truly regenerative transformation? Looking deeply into the web of life that created and supports us, and drawing inspiration from diverse cultural traditions an...
I Don't Care What People Think Of Me. I'm Busy.
by Productivity Planners