The Wrong Mr. Darcy by Evelyn Lozada, Holly Lorincz

The Wrong Mr. Darcy

by Evelyn Lozada and Holly Lorincz

When Hara Isari meets basketball rookie Derek Darcy, she finds him handsome, but obnoxiously proud and with a major chip on his shoulder. He is completely indifferent to her dedication to her career as a sports writer. When a twist of fate brings them both together, Hara suddenly finds herself off her game and trying to keep up.

In this sparkling Pride and Prejudice inspired romantic comedy, Lozada and Lorincz show us the error of judging by first impressions and the beauty of family, friendship and love. This book will charm you through the last page.

Reviewed by charlie on

2 of 5 stars

Ummm, that was... interesting?

I don't really know what I've just read, it certainly wasn't as it was described and so much drama was crammed into the second half of the book that I could barely keep up!

This is not a Pride and Prejudice rom-com...this was kind of a mess. The dialogue made me cringe, the characters aren't great, the storyline is all over the place and the pacing is way off.

This might be for you if you're into unrealsitic, overly dramatic stories, but it definetely wasn't for me.

Thank you Netgalley and St Martin's Press for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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