Quirky Cat

Quirky Cat

Member since Sep 11, 2020

Books Read


Read in 2025




Average Rating


Finished in 2019 - 1068 books

4 of 5 stars
Doctor Strange (2018-) #10

Doctor Strange (2018-) #10 by Mark Waid

Finished on 2019-01-30
4 of 5 stars
Sparrowhawk #4

Sparrowhawk #4 by Delilah S. Dawson

Finished on 2019-01-30
4 of 5 stars
Bone Parish #6

Bone Parish #6 by Cullen Bunn

Finished on 2019-01-30
4 of 5 stars
Man-Eaters #5

Man-Eaters #5 by Chelsea Cain

Finished on 2019-01-30
4 of 5 stars
Wonder Woman (2016-) #63

Wonder Woman (2016-) #63 by G. Willow Wilson

Finished on 2019-01-30
4 of 5 stars
The City in the Middle of the Night

The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders

Finished on 2019-01-28
4 of 5 stars

Starburst (Women of the Grey, #1) by Carol James Marshall

Finished on 2019-01-25
4 of 5 stars
The Deceivers

The Deceivers (Vale Hall, #1) by Kristen Simmons

Finished on 2019-01-25
4 of 5 stars
Naomi (2019-) #1

Naomi (2019-) #1 by Brian Michael Bendis

Finished on 2019-01-25
4 of 5 stars
Pearl #6

Pearl #6 by Brian Michael Bendis

Finished on 2019-01-25
4 of 5 stars

Haphaven by Norm Harper

Finished on 2019-01-25
4 of 5 stars
The Cruel Prince

The Cruel Prince (Folk of the Air, #1) by Holly Black

Finished on 2019-01-25
4 of 5 stars

Sightwitch (The Witchlands, #2.5) by Susan Dennard

Finished on 2019-01-25
4 of 5 stars
The Prisoner

The Prisoner (Olrona, #1) by Sara Allyn

Finished on 2019-01-25
4 of 5 stars
Immortal Hulk (2018-) #12

Immortal Hulk (2018-) #12 by Al Ewing

Finished on 2019-01-23
5 of 5 stars
Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1 by Donny Cates

Finished on 2019-01-23
4 of 5 stars
Cover (2018-) #5

Cover (2018-) #5 by Brian Michael Bendis

Finished on 2019-01-23
4 of 5 stars
Shazam! #2

Shazam! #2 by Geoff Johns

Finished on 2019-01-23
4 of 5 stars
Exorsisters #4

Exorsisters #4 by Ian Boothby

Finished on 2019-01-23
4 of 5 stars
The Avant-Guards #1

The Avant-Guards #1 by Carly Usdin

Finished on 2019-01-23
4 of 5 stars
Avengers (2018-) #13

Avengers (2018-) #13 by Jason Aaron

Finished on 2019-01-23
4 of 5 stars
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019-) #2

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019-) #2 by Tom Taylor

Finished on 2019-01-23
4 of 5 stars
Black Badge #6

Black Badge #6 by Matt Kindt

Finished on 2019-01-21
4 of 5 stars
Invaders (2019-) #1

Invaders (2019-) #1 by Chip Zdarsky

Finished on 2019-01-21