Quirky Cat

Quirky Cat

Member since Sep 11, 2020

Books Read


Read in 2025




Average Rating


Finished in 2019 - 1068 books

4 of 5 stars
Captain America (2018-) #11

Captain America (2018-) #11 by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual (2019) #1

Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual (2019) #1 by Al Ewing

Finished on 2019-07-27
3 of 5 stars
Sword Master (2019-) #1

Sword Master (2019-) #1 by Shuizhu

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
Marvel Rising (2019) #5 (of 5)

Marvel Rising (2019) #5 (of 5) by Nilah Magruder

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
Magnificent Ms. Marvel (2019-) #5

Magnificent Ms. Marvel (2019-) #5 by Saladin Ahmed

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
Shuri (2018-2019) #10

Shuri (2018-2019) #10 by Nnedi Okorafor

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
Amazing Spider-Man (2018-) #26

Amazing Spider-Man (2018-) #26 by Nick Spencer

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
Thor Volume 2: Who Holds The Hammer?

Thor Volume 2: Who Holds The Hammer? by Jason Aaron

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
The Green Lantern (2018-) #9

The Green Lantern (2018-) #9 by Grant Morrison

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
Justice League Dark (2018-) #13

Justice League Dark (2018-) #13 by James Tynion IV

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
Man-Eaters #10

Man-Eaters #10 by Chelsea Cain

Finished on 2019-07-27
4 of 5 stars
Secret Warps: Soldier Supreme Annual (2019) #1

Secret Warps: Soldier Supreme Annual (2019) #1 by Al Ewing

Finished on 2019-07-27
3 of 5 stars
Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1

Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1 by Chris Claremont

Finished on 2019-07-27
5 of 5 stars
Ironheart (2018-2019) #8

Ironheart (2018-2019) #8 by Eve L. Ewing

Finished on 2019-07-24
4 of 5 stars
Fairlady #4

Fairlady #4 by Brian Schirmer

Finished on 2019-07-24
4 of 5 stars
Lumberjanes #64

Lumberjanes #64 by Shannon Watters

Finished on 2019-07-24
4 of 5 stars
Batgirl (2016-) #37

Batgirl (2016-) #37 by Cecil Castellucci

Finished on 2019-07-24
4 of 5 stars
Aliens: Rescue #1

Aliens: Rescue #1 by Brian Wood

Finished on 2019-07-24
4 of 5 stars
Angels & Demons

Angels & Demons (Robert Langdon, #1) by Dan Brown

Finished on 2019-07-23
4 of 5 stars
The Serpent-Bearer and the Prince of Stars

The Serpent-Bearer and the Prince of Stars by C S Johnson

Finished on 2019-07-21
5 of 5 stars
Sweep of the Blade

Sweep of the Blade (Innkeeper Chronicles, #4) by Ilona Andrews

Finished on 2019-07-19
4 of 5 stars
Firefly #8

Firefly #8 by Greg Pak

Finished on 2019-07-17
5 of 5 stars
Brave the Tempest

Brave the Tempest (Cassandra Palmer, #9) by Karen Chance

Finished on 2019-07-16