Member since Dec 30, 2021
Transgender Liberation by Leslie Feinberg
Finished on 2021-12-30The Communist Manifesto (Get Political) (Dystopian Classics) (Penguin Books: Great Ideas) (Revolutionary Classics) (Crofts Classics) (The Communist Manifesto) (Pelican S.) (Living Marxism Originals) (Phoenix 60p paperbacks) (Capstone Classics) (Rethinking the Western Tradition) (Classics) (Rethinking the Western Tradition (YUP)) (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature) (Penguin Little Black Classics) (A Penguin Classics Hardcover) (Penguin Great Ideas) (Penguin Pocket Hardbacks) (Books That Changed the World) (Communist Party) (Professional Growth) (Harriman Economics Classics) (Clydesdale Classics) by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Finished on 2021-12-30If Not, Winter: Fragments Of Sappho by Anne Carson
Finished on 2021-12-27Bacchae (Theatre Classics S.) (Dover Thrift Editions) (Plays for Performance) (Clarendon Paperbacks) (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum Et Romanorum Teubneriana) (Wave Crest Classics S.) (Crofts Classics) (Oberon Classics) (Mentor Books) by Euripides
Finished on 2021-12-23Christmas Carol, A by Charles Dickens
Finished on 2021-12-20War of the Foxes by Mr Richard Siken
Finished on 2021-12-13Theogony and Works and Days (Classic Hesiod) by Hesiod
Finished on 2021-12-09Brave New World (Study Texts S.) (Transaction Large Print S.) (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) (The collected works of Aldous Huxley) (Cover to Cover Classics) (Audio Editions) (Critical Insights) (Queen's Classics) (Heritage of Literature S.) (Chatto Pocket Library S.) (Flamingo modern classics) (MOST RED) by Aldous Huxley
Finished on 2021-12-08Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw
Finished on 2021-12-06