Wordbird by K. Minko
Thunder Snow by Melissa Gunn
Little Sanctuary by Randy Boyagoda
Shattered Horizons by Hazel Brown
Vik "L'Héritage des Cendres" (Victor Vik Dumas, #4) by Zayne Altaris
First Light (Red Rain) by Rachel Newhouse
Gambit (The Restoration Project, #1) by Clive Stephens
Cannibal Potheads vs. the Super Cannabinoid People by Edward Jarrmon
Vanisher by Tom Grimwood
The Cost of Perfection by Mark Alexander
The Stellar Warlock by Obsidian Architect and Christopher Tooley
Drawing Freedom (Sketching Rebellion, #2) by Felicia Ketcheson
Convergence by Esther Pia Cordova
Wrecked by Katie Katie Mitchelson
The Last Halfling (The Last Halfling, #1) by Christopher Adams
The Vulpine by Polly Crosby
Year of Reckoning, Emergence by Barbara J Gilbert
El ex - maestro influencer by Omar Meza
Fractured Legacy by Justin C Dunton
The Legendary Scarlett and Browne by Jonathan Stroud
Uncounted (The World Collective, #3) by Susan Cullen
The Unity Experiment by Nk Brown
The Last Fox by Levin Aurel
205z (Lost Children of Andromeda, #1) by Jason M Primrose