Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang (Novel) Vol. 4 (Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang (Novel), #4) by Priest
Cyberpunk and Dystopian Futures by Pywell Alice
End of The Line (The Realm of Gothika, #3) by Tony Fuentes and C S Kading
The Petticoat Society (Tales of Gears & Grit, #1) by Jason Prugar
Poctu by Enid Cotter
The Gears of Deceit (An Evelyn Hartley Mystery, #1) by Ismael S Rodriguez
Written Wings (Vectra Tillerman, #1) by Sarah Ickes
A Clockwork Melody (A Chronicle of Clockwork, #1) by J P Dubhshláine
The Positive Side of Fear (Futurescape Universe, #16) by Dan Bune
Ether Mécanique by M Scarlett Ecoffet
Three Coins From a Dead Man's Pocket (Realms of Souls Saga, #1) by Myrenne Mae
The Home Front (Misfit Squadron, #9) by Simon Brading
Part 4 (Steaming Up, #4) by Martyn MacDonald Adams
Cyborg (500 Fiction, #12) by Black Hare Press
Tales from the Second Great War (Misfit Squadron, #6) by Simon Brading
Solicitous Missteps by J B Thwaite
Stalk the Sky (War of the Alliance, #2) by Tara Grayce
The Dark New World by Rayven Luna Nite and Jennifer Stegmann
The Blossoms of Summer by Cecilia Tan
Sphirot (Projekt Stellar. Kniga 8) by Roman Prokofiev
Ephemer (Projekt Stellar. Kniga 7) by Roman Prokofiev
Legat (Projekt Stellar. Kniga 6) by Roman Prokofiev
A Cry of Hounds (Forgotten Lore, #2) by Ackley-McPhail, Keith R.A Decandido, and Michelle D Sonnier
Archont (Projekt Stellar. Kniga 5) by Roman Prokofiev