The Royal Descendant (The Universal Guardians Saga, #1) by Michele L Coffman
Doctor Who: The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Trials of a Timelord by Katherine Armatage, Stewart Pringle, and Rochana Patel
Torchwood: Torchwood Soho - Ascension (Torchwood Soho, #4) by James Goss
Escape from Conatus (The Incepti Cataclysm, #1) by Raymund Eich
Connivance (History of Sol, #4) by Steven Dutch and Chris Masterton
Star Wind Piramida destinului by Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
Star Wind A Pirâmide do Destino by Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
Star Wind Piramida Przeznaczenia by Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
Star Wind Ang Pyramid of Destiny by Francisco Angulo de Lafuente