Of Yellow Shirts and Little Green Men by Gene Rowe
Three Alien Civilizations by Bucur Loredan
Oceanus by Hanna Delaney
When They Arrived by Emily Ansell
Doctor Who: The Gold Archive: Invasions of Earth: A Secret History by Mike Tucker and Steve Cole
Into The Black by Jon Del Arroz and Blaine Pardoe
Als die Götter uns besuchten by Herold Zu Moschdehner
Palmaceda Dawn by Jaime de Chadbannes
Seventh Circle (Alien) by Philippa Ballantine and Clara Carija
Our Alien Leader by Tom Townsend
Rise of the Universal Army (Valoryn Universe, #2) by Eady H
The Moonara 7 by Gentil R Cane
The Alien Diplomat Conspiracy by Tom Townsend
United States of Aliens by Tom Townsend
Zoar and Geneva (Zoar and Geneva, #1) by Anders A Holmquist
Ses Amis by Paul Toskiam
Mankind's New Beginning (MR) by Charles H Sherbow
Her Friends by Paul Toskiam
Until The Rescue Ship Arrives by De Miller
Eight Stories Aliens Will Believe by Stanley B Trice
FUTURE of FEAR by Christopher Matthews
Encounter with an Alien
Cluck Cluck Boom by S K Arnette
The Alien Artifact (The Alien Artifact: Paperback Edition, #1) by Ernesto Maisuls