Akara Ogun, The Brave Hunter In The Forest of Daemons by Edmund Olu Mabo
Fire Fox (The Myths of the Northern Lands, #1) by Amanda Sloothaak
The Mist of the Niflungar (The Ragnar�k Prophecy, #2) by Matt Larkin
Selkie's Bargain (Everwood Tales, #2) by Heather Ember Amsden
TEMPEST IN THE HIGHLANDS (Tempête dans les Highlands) by Mcgoldrick and Jan Coffey
The Republic of Salt (The Mirror Realm Cycle, #2) by Ariel Kaplan
MUCH ADO ABOUT HIGHLANDERS (Le Problème Avec les Highlanders) by Mcgoldrick and Jan Coffey
TAMING THE HIGHLANDER (Apprivoiser le Highlander) by May McGoldrick and Jan Coffey