"The Great Howler in the Sky" is a fun, easy-going children's book about dogs. Like clockwork every day, George the Beagle enjoys howling in unison with his doggie comrade, The Great Howler in the Sky. The Great Howler is known for his powerful, mighty howling, which has won him the respect of all the other dogs in the neighborhood. As such, they see him as their leader. George and the other dogs have never actually seen The Great Howler with their own eyes, but his howls are enough to convince them that he exists. One day, while George awaits the customary howling from The Great Howler, the latter himself remains silent. This strikes curiosity in the hearts of the neighborhood dogs, as they ponder what has become of their faithful canine leader. Join George and his friends; Big Max, Bruno, and Pixie as they search for their beloved leader, The Great Howler in the Sky. This children's book is funny, adorable and magnificently illustrated. Children will enjoy reading it. It is age appropriate and simple to read. It is a cozy, family-friendly book to read with the kids, or grandchildren, during the day, or even at bedtime. Children who adore dogs will love this book even more. The illustrations alone are amazing. I give it 5 stars. It will be a great gift for a first-grade child who is learning to read.