Gaming Hell Christmas Volume 2 contains two stories each featuring one of the fantastic young ladies who were once students of Miss Greensley’s School of Comportment for Young Ladies of Quality! While the first book of the series featured Alexandra and Annabelle, volume two focuses on Tori and Phil. The book was published by Chisel Imprint and came out on the 1st of December.
While I haven't read volume 1, based on the cover I can definitely say that both of these are very christmasy books! They also feature a solid group of female friends which kinda made me a bit sad because I miss my own group of girls who I met when I was in college!
The book is 177 pages long and consists of two stories that overlap in terms of time period. While Tori is trying to find out how to get the ring back (long story), Phil and Thom are swapping places and trying to avoid their mothers attention. Both the stories flowed into one another and I felt like I understood the group better after reading each one. The second one made me feel a bit sad because those were some messed up parents.
I do feel like each could be a bit longer. The Tori and Rhys thing was a bit rushed. I also would have loved to uncover more about Phil's fears. I was also very curious to see more about the gaming hall that the girls are members off. It's sort of supposed to be one of the main things but it's rarely featured in the books.