Let's Draw Dogs is a fun collection of drawing tutorials by How2DrawAnimals. Due out 16th Aug 2022 from Quarto on their Walter Foster Jr. imprint, it's 48 pages and will be available in paperback format.
For all the readers who grew up with the spin racks of technique booklets from Foster at their local stationery/art store, the format in this new series of books will be comfortingly familiar. The books begin with very basic overviews over tools and supplies and pencil techniques for light and shadow, shading, texture, and form.
There are 10 tutorials included in the book for a varied selection of dogs such as a German Shepherd, Corgi, Golden Retriever, poodle, an adorable Husky puppy and 5 more. Tutorials are easy to follow and show step by step refinements with new lines and shading included. The tutorials cover two pages each with 10 steps from simple shapes to finished, shaded drawing.
This would make a great gift for would-be artists of all ages. The included tutorials are varied and eclectic. There is a complete table of contents, so locating individual ones shouldn't be problematic. They're slanted toward pencil sketches, though colored pens, crayons, and watercolors could certainly be used to enhance the drawings.
Nice booklet, accessible for everyone.
Five stars. This would be a nice choice, bundled with some drawing supples, for a young artist. It would also do well for school or public library acquisition, home library, and even for adults/childminders/caregivers/teachers who want to up their "draw with me" game with their young charges.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.