Written on Nov 5, 2022
The Princess Bride Cookbook is a tutorial guide with recipes and media homage to the film with written and curated by Jenn Fujikawa. Due out 6th Dec 2022 from Ben Bella Books on their Smart Pop imprint, it's 192 pages and available in hardcover and ebook formats. It's made in association with the requisite approvals and permissions, so it's an official product which is very nice.
This is an upbeat and well written cookbook with a fun vibe full of recipes named in homage to the iconic and beloved film. The introduction includes a short background history of the making of the Princess Bride and snippets of dialogue.
The recipes are all named in reference to the film (six-fingered sandwiches, Humperdinck's eggs & soldiers, "Mutton" lettuce & tomato sandwiches, etc). Recipe ingredients are listed bullet style in a sidebar. Measurements are given in imperial (USA) measurements only. There is no nutritional info provided. Special tools and ingredients are also listed, along with yields and step by step cooking directions. Special features such as gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan are noted in the header.
All the recipes are arranged thematically: Enchanting breakfasts, Gallant lunches, Adventurous dinners, Swashbuckling snacks, Valiant desserts, Triumphant drinks, and Momentous soirées (menus for gatherings and parties).
The ingredients will be easily sourced at any moderately well stocked grocery store. Most of the recipes are accompanied by one or more photos. The photographs which are included are clear and appealing and serving suggestions are appropriate. It's also absolutely *full* of wonderful photo stills and shots from the film which filled me with a warm nostalgia.
This book would make a great gift for film lovers. It would be a star feature for folks who enjoy filmwatching parties with friends. There's a whole cookbook subgenre associated with recipes for fandom tie-ins and this is a very very good example.
Five stars. Have fun stormin' da castle! 3
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.