Written on Jun 1, 2022
National Geographic Stargazer's Atlas: The Ultimate Guide to the Night Sky is a beautifully, often breathtakingly, photographed and accessibly written guide to the night sky and how to understand what we see when we look up. Due out 25th Oct 2022 from National Geographic, it's 432 pages and will be available in hardcover format.
This is a worthy member of the National Geographic stable of classic coffee table books - absolutely full of beautiful clear photography and packed with accessible information. The early pre-release media package provided for review included a small fraction of the final page content and it's impressive enough that I plan to order a copy for my home library.
The book contains layman accessible language throughout, lots of diagrams and on-page definitions and explanations. The content is arranged thematically and the chapters move from the vastness of space/stars/celestial bodies, through our own Solar System, to an almanac of stargazing events and maps. Each of the specific constellations and points of interest include maps, best viewing times, locations, and background information.
The photography throughout is stunning. This is a highly recommended choice for public and school libraries as well as for scouting/activity groups, and home use. Stunningly gorgeous and well done.
Five stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.