Written on Apr 3, 2022
Enjoying Tequila is a sampling guide with customizable journal pages written by Frank Flannery and one volume of a set of similar specialist alcohol tasting instruction tutorials. Due out 12th April 2022 from Quarto on their Voyageur Press imprint, it's 176 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.
The book opens with an introduction and short history of tequila including production methods. The author has an accessible style of writing and despite not having any background in food arts, wine, or cooking, I had no problems understanding what he meant or trouble with the language used. The following chapters provide a good basis for systematically sampling tequila and interpreting what the reader experiences subjectively and writing it down. The specialist language and terminology are defined in context in the text and he does a good job of showing the differences between types of tequila and how to interpret labels.
There's a good tutorial included for tasting etiquette, serving methods (I never knew that in Mexico, most tequila is served neat and not tossed into margaritas!) and understanding what flavors are being experienced and how to interpret and record them. There are some recipes included for tequila based cocktails for experimentation.
It should be noted that fully half of the page content is a blank tasting journal for recording tasting notes from different tequilas to be filled out as needed by the reader. The pages are identical in the journal section. The book (and journal) are graphically appealing and the book section is full of full color photos with clear text captions.
This book reminds me a lot of a well organized tasting class given by a knowledgeable and friendly facilitator. This would be a great "warm up" mini-class to get up to speed before an in-person local tasting class. Definitely a niche book, but a useful one, I think.
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.