Wild Kilted Yoga is a beautifully photographed and well written guide with tutorials of yoga poses from beginner to advanced by Finlay Wilson. Due out 15th March 2022 from Hatchette on their Mobius imprint, it's 160 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats (ebook available now).
This is such an appealing book with beautiful photographs of yoga poses in peaceful outdoor settings featuring an anatomically attractive man in a kilt. Most of the poses are solo, there are some more complex poses at the end of the book with two models (both kilted). Each of the poses pictured is described anatomically: "Lie on the back, palms facing up, legs flopped out to the sides. Relax completely". There is a fair bit of additional commentary about what readers might be feeling or why a particular pose is useful and what it's for.
There is an index, but no table of contents in the eARC provided for review. In addition to the well described and photographed yoga, there are numerous nature photographs showing the beauty of the Scottish fauna. The models are performing the poses without underclothes but they're well fig-leafed and there's nothing egregious in the photos at all. (There is one single cheeky backside shot punctuating the very end of the book - but it's absolutely not provocative in any way).
Five stars. An admittedly niche book, but useful and information rich along with being beautifully photographed.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.