Written on Jan 16, 2019
This is where I state that I'm not a fan of Clary, Jace and their relationship and obviously, I'm not going to enjoy A Long Conversation as much as people who genuinely love them.
What I liked:
★ Isabelle and Simon, two of my favourite Cassandra Clare characters and one of my favourite ships, are engaged.
★ Jace and Clary are running the New York Institute and I'm quite proud of them.
★ Reading about just how much Alec and Clary's relationship has developed from City of Bones.
★ Alec, Magnus and their children.
★ Magnus being his sassy self.
★ The friendship between Maia and Lily. They are both strong women and awesome leaders.
What I found interesting:
★ The tulips that suspiciously appear.
★ The ending. I feel like Clary's not going to accept Jace's proposal.
What I disliked:
★ A Long Conversation is supposed to be about Simon and Isabelle's engagement party, but more focus is placed on Jace and Clary and their perfect lives.