When the author contacted me to review Chatroom With A View, I was on the fence about reviewing it. I left it hanging in my email for a couple of days while I thought over my decision. What ultimately...
Read moreWhen the author contacted me to review Chatroom With A View, I was on the fence about reviewing it. I left it hanging in my email for a couple of days while I thought over my decision. What ultimately made up my mind was the blurb. I wanted to know more about this killer gene. I am glad that I read this book, but man, was it dark.
Chatroom With A View is a fast-paced book. The author didn’t build up any backstory; instead, he chose to dive headlong into Troy Cullen’s messed up and complicated life. There was a slight lag in the middle of the book, but the author was able to get the book back on track.
Troy was a complicated character for me to connect to. I did feel bad for him because of the abuse. But as the book went on and I got to know his character, I started not to like him. The things he did were awful, and they just kept getting worse as the book went on.
The storyline with Troy and the girls (the waitresses who bullied him in school) was sad to read. Troy had so much anger from what those girls did to him. I was a little surprised how that particular storyline ended. I was expecting something more dramatic.
The storyline with Troy, his father, and the cabin was truly awful to read. I could understand why Troy was so torn about what to do about his father. I also understood his curiosity about the cabin. When Troy’s father told Veronica and Troy the story behind the cabin, it made sense.
Veronica’s storyline was a mess. She was severely mentally ill, and she started spiraling as soon as Troy broke up with her. She manipulated and lied her way to find him. Once she found him, she hit rock bottom. I won’t say much after that. I will say, though, I was surprised at how her storyline ended.
The end of Chatroom With A View disappointed me a little bit. I figured that what happened was going to happen but still. I wanted something more.
I did enjoy reading Chatroom With A View. It was well written with fleshed-out characters. I felt that everything that happened in the second half of the book was just there to be sensational. Also, I wouldn’t say I liked the end of the book. After a fast-moving plotline, I felt it was anti-climatic.
I am on the fence if I would recommend Chatroom With A View. It is a dark book that explores themes that could trigger people or, in the least, make them uncomfortable. There is sex (not graphic) and violence. There is minimal gore (at the beginning of the book).