I went into this book expecting to hate Norah. When it comes to female princess protagonists, I tend to err on the side of caution. Norah is nothing like I was expecting, and neither were Loren or Casey. This book made me instantly fall in love with the characters and the worlds they come from. I’ve found myself shocked at every twist and hoping for a bright and happy future for them all.
The fact that this is book one should have given it away that there is not only more to come but that happiness is fleeting when you’re in the middle of a war.
I don’t want to give too much away, but being able to explore these new species and have it told most from a human’s POV made it not only relatable but fascinating. Norah was a typical girl, going to university, holding down a retail job, and trying to do her best to pencil in some time with the cute guy from her calculus class. We find out pretty quickly that Casey isn’t who he said he was and that Norah might not be who she thinks she is either.
This fast-paced book brings Norah in the middle of an intergalactic war, where both sides are fighting for her. What’s frustrating about the war is that it’s hard to tell who you want to win. Both sides believe in what they’re doing, in what they’re willing to die for, and you can see both points throughout the book. Who is the ‘good’ guy? Both have done some horrible things, and at the end of the novel, there are still so many questions that are left unanswered.
Thankfully, this is only book ONE.
I can’t wait to discover more with Norah in the next book. To see more of Loren (who I’m seriously suspicious about at this point), more of Casey (I’m Team Casey, BTW), and more of the worlds revealed on these pages.
Did I mention the love triangle? I feel like I should mention the love triangle. Well, there is one, and it brings just the right amount of sweetness and angst to the story.