I really liked the lyrical quality of Nowlin's writing, and found it interesting, that most of the book is told from within each of the three MCs heads. There is not a lot of dialog, but rather more reflection and narration. I adored Romona. She was so quirky, full of life, and full of love. When she spoke about her mother, my heart ached, and when she tried to mend fences with Emmalyn, I just fell more in love with her huge heart.
I was always just trying o be myself. I'm sorry we didn't get along.
Sam was also very special. The way he pined away for Ramona, and would accept any love that she could give him. They really had a very special friendship.
Sam, who I knew was my Sam as soon as I met him.
Tom was so intense and so complicated. I though the exploration of his sexuality was quite interesting. Asexuality is not something I am well versed in, and therefore, cannot comment on the success or failure, but I was intrigued to learn more. I really appreciated that Nowlin shared some of Tom's struggle with us. His trying to do more with girls, and going to a doctor to confirm that he was ok. Some of Tom's confessions were quite heartbreaking.
I wanted to be with you more than I ever wanted to be with anyone before. And I loved holding you. And I even liked kissing you, because I loved you. But because my body isn't interested in doing more, you left me. It made my love less valuable to you.
I have read other reviews, and most people are commenting on the love triangle. It was odd for me, but more jarring was the resolution, because it was sort of abrupt and odd. But, that does not change my opinion of the book as a whole, because this book is about so much more. This is a book about love, friendship, family, loss, moving on, making your own path -- so many things. There are so many sweet, adorable, and fun moments. I look forward to more from Nowlin.