Baroness Book Trove
Written on Sep 17, 2017
The main character is Andrea Bravos who is a screenwriter in California that isn’t selling a lot of her scripts. The story starts with her oldest son receiving the ashes of his deceased father in a burger take-out box from his newest stepmom that could be his sister. Andy has decided that she wants to find out with what happened to her ex-husband. Andy, herself, is a very interesting person. She is one of the baby boomers, loves her job as a screenwriter and doesn’t want to have to retire yet, loves her kids, and is trying to help her sister with her nephew. Andy is almost always getting into trouble or doing something that she shouldn’t be doing while trying to figure out what happened to her ex-husband.
Harley Davidson is living with Andy and he has been helping her with trying to find Mark, Andy’s ex-husband, well trying to find out with what happened to him. Harley Davidson has gone through a lot of different transitions, in the book, since arriving in Southern California to live with his aunt Andy. Though he didn’t stay to help her toward the end of the book because of his latest transition.
Lorna helped Andy by spying on Andy’s old cabin in Big Bear. She has helped Andy a lot with different things throughout the book that only she could help her with. Basically, Lorna is Andy’s accountant, friend, and therapist at some points in the book which is a good thing since Andy needs one.
The protagonist of the book is Tilda Trivette Kornacky. She was introduced in the beginning by a note that accompanied the ashes of Andy’s deceased ex-husband. Tilda is a pretty weird character who isn’t nice as some people thought she. I don’t really want to say too much about her without spoiling the story but wow was it interesting.
Follow the Dotted Line by Nancy Hersage is a good book that kept me guessing and I definitely didn’t see the ending coming at all. Mrs. Hersage is a wonderful writer even if there were some wording issues, it didn’t affect my reading. I’m giving this book a five-star review, especially since it was a bit crazy in some parts which made me like it more.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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