Written on Sep 19, 2021
Our National Forests is an engaging look at public lands and the history of the forest service in the USA written by Greg M. Peters. Due out 9th Nov 2021 from Workman Publishing on their Timber Press imprint, it's 280 pages and will be available in hardcover, audio, and ebook formats.
This is a well written and philosophical history and examination of public lands in the United States. The author clearly has a deep engagement and broad knowledge of the subject and writes accessibly and authoritatively. In addition, the book is packed with beautiful color photos of awe-inspiring and unspoiled nature.
The content is arranged thematically: eastern forests, growing trees/reforestation, grassland restoration, Native Americans and their struggles to be heard, the (harmful) impact of humans on fragile ecosystems (poop, for example), future scenarios, citizen science (counts and spotting), fires and aftermath, and diversity and representation in public land use. The book is well annotated and the chapter notes will give keen readers many additional hours of enjoyment.
Four stars. This would be a good choice for public or school library acquisition, gardening/nature groups, home library, or for fans of nature and conservation reading.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.