Written on Jan 17, 2014
This is one of those books that totally took me by surprise. I wanted to read it because it sounded interesting but it totally blew me away and I fell in love with it. Some books just do that and trigger something in you that lights a fire and makes you not be able to stop reading. This was one of those books for me.
I loved Medusa, the misunderstood monster, we start off in her temple as she is arranging another one of her stoned statues. She didn’t mean to kill him but all it takes is one look at her. She’s remorseful and suffers for her lot in life. Cursed by Athena after being raped Poseidon.
I was as silly as Medusa when it came to Hermes for some reason, I thought they were just friends but as their relationship bloomed I felt myself invested in it. I was concerned that something might split them apart or that they might not get together at all at first. It was just very sweet and heartwarming and it made me think of Hermes in a whole different way. Of course this book had me thinking of Medusa in a whole different way as well. I couldn’t stop reading abou them, I love them so much as a couple.
The issues in this book are addressed in an interesting way as well. Medusa is a victim. She is a victim of rape, a victim of unjust punishment, a victim of living in isolation. Even though she has had 2000 years to deal with the issues she hasn’t. It isn’t until Hermes brings her back into the light and she is forced to face those who hurt her does she finally deal with them. I thought it was interesting to infuse these kinds of things into a greek mythology story. It’s not something uncommon in greek myths to hear about it happening but it is not something usually addressed. I loved how the book was as much as Medusa taking control of her life and changing from victim to survivor.
I have much gushy love for this book so definitely check it out if you like some Romance and Greek mythology with a twist.